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Business essay (link to The Prince by Machivallie)

This is a business essay with 2000-2250 words. 

- Link to The Prince by Machivallie, apply the concepts raised by him to the modern business world with a specific company - Huawei corporation. 

- Pull 3-5 quotes from the article, see how those quotes apply to the business field. What kinds of strategies or approaches do they suggest and in what areas of business would they be most useful?

-how might those uses apply to Huawei corporation 

!!! Must have a solid Thesis, 

!!!Body paragraphs should follow the structure of Topic sentence, quote, the connection between the company, paraphrase the quote, details from your research support the connection between quote and Huawei. How does this quote demonstrate Huawei's adherence to, or avoidance of Machiavelli's ideas? Is Huawei's success related to it or not? !!!!!Use specific examples from Huawei!!!

The attachments are three sample essays you could take a look at and instructions you must follow. 

Here are the quotes you CANNOT use. 

The new are completely new, as was Milan to Francesco Sforza,...as is the kingdom of Naples in relation to the king of Spain. 

For always, no matter how powerful one's armies, in order to enter a company one needs the goodwill of the inhabitants.

If the ruler wants to keep hold of his new possessions,..., in a very short space of time the new principality will be rolled into one with the old. 

When trouble is sensed well in advance it can easily be remedied;..., it becomes easy to diagnose but difficult to cure. 

The wish to acquire more is admittedly a very natural and common thing;.. , they deserve condemnation for their mistakes. 

Men who become rulers by powess similar to theirs acquire their principalities with difficulty but hold them with a ease. ....,and the defense made by the others is only lukewarm.

To clarify this further, I say that, in my judgement, those princes can stand alone..., and is obviously not easy to assault a town which has been made into a basin by a prince who is not hated by the people. 

Now, I say that the arms on which a prince bases the defenceof his state are either his own, or mercenary,...As they were sins committed by princes, they too have paid thr penalty for them.

I want to show more clearly what unhappy results follow the use of mercenaries..... subjugated by one of its own citizens than a republic whose forces are not its own. 

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