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********* WRITING ONEExercise ******** ***** table ** *** attachmentExercise 2Original: *** moth *** removed ** ***** ************* ***** ****** ******* the ************* *********** optimization ** ********** by *** --noperf *********** *** ******** **** ******** performance ********************* *** measurements **** ***** ** *** ****** ******* ****** ***** ** was ********** ** *** ** **** that bugs **** ******* in *** ******* methodAnswer: *** ** **** discovered **** ** *** ****** ******* ****** so measurements **** taken ***** * ********* methodExercise ***** *** toothbrush and **** ** ***** *** ****** ** **** *** ******** are wetSqueeze * small ****** ** ********** **** *** ******** ** *** *************** *** ********** ** **** mouth *** brush **** ***** ** * ******** ****** ****** **** ** ***** *** ******** of **** toothBrush **** tongue ** ******** out *** ********** and rinse **** mouth with waterExercise 41 ********** despite *** ******* **** ** ********* ** **** *** *** named for marketing reasons ** *** ********* wanted ** ********** on *** popularity ** *** ******* ********* ********* ********* ****** ******* **** *** manual *********** *** *** *** *** of ************** ************* *************** *** ************** ************* large ******** ***** **** can ******** creative **** ******* like poems code ******* musical ****** ***** ******* etc * ******* **** this ******* *** *** ********* ** ** **** ********** ** ******* ** ** could ** used ** ****** *** ***** ** *** *** ************* ** **** ** to ******* communication *** **************** ******* ** how **** ******* ***** ** used ** ** ****** personalized educational ********* For example * ***** ******** ***** ***** be used to ******** ****** math ******** *** students ** to ****** personalized ******* for ******** This ***** help to **** ******** more ******** *** ********* *** ******** of *** *********** ******* of how **** ******* ***** ** **** ** ** ******** creative ******* for ********* *** advertising ******** For example * large ******** ***** ***** be **** ** ******** ************ product descriptions ** ** ****** ******** *********** campaigns **** could help ********** ** ***** ***** target audience **** *********** and ** ******** ************ this ******* could also ** **** to ******* communication ******* people **** ********* ******** *** example a ***** ******** model could be used ** ********* ********* in * *** **** ** **** accurate *** idiomatic **** ***** **** ****** from different ******** to ****** ********** **** other *** ** *********** **** effectivelyI ** excited ** **** on this ******* *** I ******* **** ** has the ********* ** **** a real ********** ** *** ***** * ** ******* you ******** of my progress *** * ***** love to *** **** ******** ** ** **************** *****