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Choice 4, formal essay on Greek BibleJohn Drury argues of Mark that,We expect the disciples to be, if not heroic, at least fairly exemplary. They obey Jesus’ brisk commands and follow him everywhere.

Choice 4, formal essay on Greek BibleJohn Drury argues of Mark that,We expect the disciples to be, if not heroic, at least fairly exemplary. They obey Jesus’ brisk commands and follow him everywhere. Yet, as we have seen, they show little understanding of the events they are dragged through. They even exemplify the hardness of heart which characterized outsiders to the Gospel and against which Jesus hurls his words. (Literary Guide to the Bible, eds. Robert Alter and Frank Kermode, 412)Examine examples of the disciples’ understanding, or lack of, and personal strengths and weaknesses as they appear in Mark. Is Drury correct that Mark, in comparison to Matthew and Luke, portrays in the disciples the weakness of human nature and human understanding?

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