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Choose the most logical completion for the sentence. Ellos no ___________ la leccin. (1 point) meriendan entienden pierden cierran 16.

15. Choose the most logical completion for the sentence. Ellos no ___________ la leccin.(1 point) meriendan entienden pierden cierran 16. Choose the most logical completion for the sentence. Los estudiantes ______ en la clase.(1 point) cierran meriendan pierden piensan 17. Choose the most logical completion for the sentence. Yo ________ viajar a Mxico.(1 point) entiendo cierro quiero meriendo 18. Choose the most logical completion for the sentence. Mi maestra ________ que hay un examen maana.(1 point) merienda dice entiende pierde 19. Say that the person has his/her/their own book or books. Yo tengo ______ libro.(2 points)20. Say that the person has his/her/their own book or books. Ella tiene ______ libros.(2 points)21. Say that the person has his/her/their own book or books. Ellos tienen ______ libro.(2 points)22. Say that the person has his/her/their own book or books. Nosotros tenemos ______ libro.

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