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Click the link above for more information and then click Create Journal Entry at the top-left of the next screen to submit your journal entry.Record the current price of the stock for each company you

Click the link above for more information and then click Create Journal Entry at the top-left of the next screen to submit your journal entry.

  1. Record the current price of the stock for each company you selected in Week 3’s Stock Journal. You may use any price during this week (e.g., day one price, the opening, the low, the high, the close, or any price you find when you check it during the day). Using a MS Excel spreadsheet or MS Word document, put your Week 8 and Week 10 stock prices side-by-side, to show the comparison.
  2. Determine the total value of your investment.
  3. Provide your final opinion / assessment of your investments. Did you make money or lose money? Discuss your results and, based on hindsight, describe what you would do differently.
  4. Discuss what you learned from this assignment. Do you believe this assignment will help you in the future in any way?
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