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comparative politics research paper

  1. USA. "Describe what you feel will be one or two key economic and social issues to be debated at the 2016 Presidential elections in the United States - based on your work in this class. What direction do you feel should be taken in the country in order to solve the specific problems mentioned?"

Submit a rough draft of your CPP for your instructor to review. Before you submit any work, be sure to check the Guidelines for Writing Research Papers in Course Materials.

For additional help on writing a research paper, check out all the links in the online library. This includes sample citations and a sample research paper.

Remember, your final paper should follow the format outlined below:

  • Title Page
  • Body - 5 pages in length
  • References page - in APA format. See note below.

For more details on writing a research paper, review the Guidelines for Writing Research Papers page in the Course Materials folder.

Your instructor will use the CPP Rubric in the Course Materials folder to evaluate your final project.

Your final paper must include proper mechanics (clear, concise, and complete sentences and paragraphs), proper spelling, grammar and punctuation. Remember, you need 4-6 credible sources from your textbook, local library, or online library. (Of course, you may have more sources.) Use proper APA format to cite all sources, both in your in-text citations and on the References page.

Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

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