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Complete 2 page APA formatted essay: Conflict with man and women.How, then, is it possible for men and women to communicate successfully and reach mutual understanding? One key element for the success

Complete 2 page APA formatted essay: Conflict with man and women.

How, then, is it possible for men and women to communicate successfully and reach mutual understanding? One key element for the success is the recognition of the differences in the thought process, and to acceptance of those without trying to change the other person or trying to “shape” them according to what we are comfortable with. Men choose not to talk about unimportant and trivial things. Men need action. They want to go ahead and fix the given situation. If the knee is scraped, just put a bandage on it, and there! - It does not hurt any more. There is nothing more to talk about. It is not the same for women. They not necessary need the bandage, but they do need to have someone who would embrace them and will say it will be alright. Conversation is not only a way to find solution. it is an important process of assessment. Sometime, conversation is a way of relaxing and releasing stress after a full working day. Other times it is a need to stay “connected”. Both articles give very interesting perspectives on communication differences. The one will be wise to remember those and use it in building connections. As it is shown by the example in the second article, that exact knowledge and understanding helped the couple to improve their marriage of twenty-three years.

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