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Complete 3 page APA formatted essay: Aquinas and Aristotle's Perspective on the American Government.America was colonized by Britain and after independence, founders of the American society introduced

Complete 3 page APA formatted essay: Aquinas and Aristotle's Perspective on the American Government.

America was colonized by Britain and after independence, founders of the American society introduced federal system of government. This paper will analyze Aristotle and Aquinas view on the American style of governance and on allegations that the British occupation was unjust under the law of nature and God. The question that this paper will seek to answer is what the wisdom and justifications of these words in regard to Aristotle and Aquinas view of Governance in America are. Based on this question, the main objective of this paper is to analyze the teachings of Aristotle and Aquinas on Governance and apply them on American perspective. Thomas Aquinas observed that there are two types of governments, just and unjust. The three kinds of a just government are. monarchy, oligarchy and democracy. Aquinas states that monarchy is the best form of government, since one leader, known as a king is made to rule. his heart needs to be kind and just. The reason advanced by the philosopher is that no obstacle can come on the king’s rule. Oligarchy refers to rule by an elite group of people. Aquinas views this as second to monarchy since it is not efficient and ideal as a monarch in its operations. Aquinas argues that with oligarchy, there might be a different view which affects the functioning of the state. The least, in Aquinas view is a democracy, and he refers it as rule by the masses. Aquinas views this as the most inefficient since decisions are not implemented with speed. Basing on these teachings, the American claim of independence from British is not wise. They were against the King of England who was a monarch, and in his belief, monarchy is the best style of governance. Americans had the intention of creating a democratic government based on the concept of equality and unalienable rights. Aquinas argues that democracy can turn to be unjust (Lord, 47), for instance, when people turn out to be selfish and greedy, and, in a democracy, the unalienable rights of individuals can be looked down upon. The American system of governance is composed of the senate, the House of Representatives and the presidency and in Aquinas’ view. this is a just form of governance since the three organs control the excesses of each other. This hybrid style of governance was proposed by Aquinas, where the monarch, i.e. the presidency will be in check by a group of Aristocrats i.e. the senate and House of Representatives who are elected by the masses. For Aristotle, democracy is not the best form of government. He believed that the most efficient form of governance should be made using the concept of policy which embraces rule of law, personal freedom and dependent upon the middle class. The American style, though it’s a democracy was condemned by Aristotle, borrowed heavily from Aristotle’s teachings which are: Governments should enact policies which are for the benefit of the people. A stable regime is made of mixed regimes. The best form of government involves the balancing off the kingship, aristocracy and democracy. A pure democracy can turn into a tyranny of the majority. The rule of law should be the foundation of governance (Lord, 47).

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