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Complete 4 page APA formatted essay: Psychoanalytic Personality.Download file to see previous pages... Both Freud and Adler agrees that personal live starts from childhood, which can be explained from

Complete 4 page APA formatted essay: Psychoanalytic Personality.

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Both Freud and Adler agrees that personal live starts from childhood, which can be explained from the evidence shown by Freud’s theory which says that the significances of childhood events can have effects on individual development in the future. Jung and Adler both agree that the experience that a child encounters during childhood shapes personality in future, and they both have the opinion that parent’s actions towards the child can determine future behavior. The society can establish either the healthy or the unhealthy psychological behavior of a person, which is clear from the theories of both Jung and Adler (Plotnik and Kouyoumdjian 2010). Conversely, the psychologists do have the differences in their theories. While Jung thinks that personality is completely developed deeply in a person at the age of thirty or forty, Adler is of the idea that personality development is more fixed at young age, mostly five. Jung and Freud have differences in their theories based on religion. Jung proposed that religion is the most important aspect in human life because it is where individuals can identify themselves and is a place where modes of communication can be improved. However, according to Freud’s theory, religion is not supposed to be spread because it misleads others or is a place where some people can hide on. Freud also proposes that sexual desires should be fulfilled. since if not fulfilled, might lead to mental disarray, while Jung disagrees with Freud and thinks that it is not only sex. but there are many other things which can change the psychological health of an individual (Greenberg 1983). Based on the above characteristics, I agree with some of the theories put forward by the psychologists. Freud and Adler both agree on personal life stating from childhood, which I agree with in addition to the fact that a person’s psychological health can be determined during childhood. This is clear because some children, when traumatized when they are young get be affected when they grow up. I also agree with Jung and Adler’s theory on the development of a child and the role that parents play to help the child develop. both agree that the development of a child’s personality is based on the parent. Freud’s theory of childhood development that talks about sexual behavior or libido contained in the elements of personality. The psychologist says that the elements of id need to be satisfied or else will cause trouble, one is desire to have sex or libido. Freud’s theory also discusses the unconscious personality, where he argues in his theory that it is a branch in someone’s brain with the sum of painful events. Freud came up with a number of developmental stages of personality. the stages he explains on his theories are based on sexuality. The oral stage is the first stage, and in this stage, the child uses the mouth test to know the world. The child uses the mouth to eat and suckle the mother’s breast, and according to Freud, a child gets desires through the mouth and develops trust from the mother since she is the one she sees and develops pleasure. Additionally, the stage happens between the time of birth and 2 years and if it happens to be a problem or fixation, an individual would want to go back to that stage and develops unusual behaviors like chewing the thumb because he was preoccupied with oral stimulation.

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