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Complete 5 page APA formatted essay: Why are more men than women convicted of crime.Download file to see previous pages... We need this country to be as peaceful as it can, free from the thugs and rob

Complete 5 page APA formatted essay: Why are more men than women convicted of crime.

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We need this country to be as peaceful as it can, free from the thugs and robbers, con men, rapists and the some many forms of crime that we have. According to Muncie and Wilson (2004) despite all these efforts to ensure social soberness as far a crime is concerned, it is quite impressive to note that most of those that are serving various jail terms in the country are mostly men as compared to women. Can we say that men were born naturally more criminal minded than women? In a bid to try and look into some of the explanation of why not so women are in prison as compared to men, and why this happens we shall look into so many aspects that make help women not serve jail terms as compared to the men. To begin with, According to Muncie and Wilson one main reason why women are less likely to serve jail term is the fact women usually offend less than men. According to Home Office statistics from 2000 it is observed that there were only 17% of the offenders who were women. This is surely a low number compared to the remaining 83% men. Some of the explanation of why women are likely to offend less compared to men is the fact that contrary to men women are not very daring as far as committing crime is concerned. Women usually don’t take so many risks as compared to men. they are usually very cautious and afraid in their moves as compared to men. ...

For example in a shopping mall or a supermarket a man would be suspiciously treated as far as shoplifting is concerned as compared to women thus most women carry out some of the offenses and walk unnoticed because they are innocently treated with the society since they are never traditionally associated with crime. Again if one takes a closer look at the number of men who are found to have used weapons like guns in their bid to execute a certain criminal activity then one would agree that very few women usually get involved in crime of such magnitude. Women are usually observed to be less violent even when committing a crime and this has not only been instrumental in ensuring that they don’t get very severe punishments in terms of ruling but it has also been a good reason why most crime that are committed by women have mostly gone unnoticed. Secondly, the fewer numbers of women as seen in the prisons and correctional facilities is due to the fact that most women commit crime that are of less in magnitude as compared to men according to Maguire, Morgan and Reiner (2012). This to a greater extent contributed to fewer numbers of women in jails. For example, traditionally women are associated with crimes like shoplifting. For instance if you are a shopkeeper and you notice that a lady has shoplifted one will not even think of informing the police and would thus just chase her away from your shop compared to if the shoplifter was a man.

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