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Complete 6 page APA formatted essay: Analytical on A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison by J.E. Saevers.Download file to see previous pages... This woman has a strong character, because in spi

Complete 6 page APA formatted essay: Analytical on A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison by J.E. Saevers.

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This woman has a strong character, because in spite of her captivity, she managed to marry two men. She gave birth to eight children and it means that the woman was not afraid of challenges and difficulties of life. It is interesting to note the way this woman was able to reconstruct her life and life principles. It is a story about the necessity of assimilation, cultural transformations and adaptation of the interests and values of different communities in the name of common welfare. Thesis: it is claimed that the process of cultural assimilation and social adaptation in the nineteenth century blurred the limits between the Native American communities and European colonizers. Relations between Native Americans and European colonists There were many attempts in 19th century to stop development of interracial relations of European and Native Americans. The relations between black slaves and Native Americans often resulted in creation of racial intermixed populations. The author of the narrative made an attempt of a perfect and ideal utopian society representation. There are witnesses of barbarity, but simultaneously, it is evident that there is a deep understanding, reliable relations in newly created families in intermixed societies. In accordance with the description of her second husband, it is clear that Mrs. Jemison is full of love and passion towards this man: “During the term of nearly fifty years that I lived with him, I received, according to Indian customs, all the kindness and attention that were my due as his wife. –Although war was his trade from his youth till old age and decrepitude stopped his career, he uniformly treated me with tenderness, and never offered an insult” (Saevers, p. 103). Therefore, an Indian man is described as a tolerant man, full of patience and tolerance to his wife. We can also see the following trend, when the author does not discard the opportunity of an aggressive behavior of her husband: “he could inflict the most excruciating tortures upon his enemies, and prided himself upon his fortitude, in having performed the most barbarous ceremonies and tortures, without the least degree of pity or remorse” (Saevers, p. 74). Therefore, killing, tortures and barbarity were also present in this man. Nevertheless, he managed not to project these negative deeds and feelings on his actions. There is a strong classification of values in the Native American community. Family values are on the first place for Hiokatoo. Generally speaking, we can claim that this narrative is of a descriptive nature and it is rather hard to say whether it undermines or not social orders or family relations of Europeans and Indian Americans. The central focus of this narrative from the perspective of female literature is the ability of a woman in the nineteenth century to make her own choice of potential marriage. She is able to choose herself whom to marry. This option should not be taken away from her. In the society of early English colonizers, there was no such a freedom of choice. At this point we can see similar tendencies to the way women were treated in England before they left that country. At the same time, women had an opportunity to live on their own without their men, who often left for long trips. Therefore, women in Native American communities had a chance to live under conditions of a social utopia.

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