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Complete 6 page APA formatted essay: The Future of Nursing, Leading Change, Advancing Health.Nursing as a healthcare profession is&nbsp.highly&nbsp.dynamic. This paper will discuss the impact that the

Complete 6 page APA formatted essay: The Future of Nursing, Leading Change, Advancing Health.

Nursing as a healthcare profession is&nbsp.highly&nbsp.dynamic. This paper will discuss the impact that the 2010 IOM report had on the future of nursing, leading change and advancing health (Fitzpatrick, 2010). The 2010 IOM report&nbsp.was formulated&nbsp.by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) which is an interdisciplinary advisory&nbsp.authority&nbsp.that addresses matters pertaining to the health of the nation. This&nbsp.body&nbsp.was established&nbsp.in 1970 by a charter of the National Academy of Sciences. The body serves a broad&nbsp.spectrum&nbsp.of stakeholders who&nbsp.include&nbsp.health professionals, the private sector, policy makers and the&nbsp.public. In 2008, IOM in collaboration with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) came up with a policy document that suggested various changes to the nursing profession. This report suggested the broadest overhaul in healthcare&nbsp.provision&nbsp.since 1965. This report opened with four&nbsp.main&nbsp.messages and closed with recommendations most of which&nbsp.will be discussed&nbsp.in the subsequent sections of the paper (WHO, 2010). Key messages of the report The report dubbed “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” contained four key messages.&nbsp.These included: 1. The nurses’&nbsp.practice&nbsp.should be to the full extent of their training and education. 2. They should&nbsp.attain&nbsp.higher levels of education and training through an improved education system that promotes&nbsp.flawless&nbsp.academic&nbsp.succession 3. Nurses should fully partner with physicians and other healthcare practitioners, in&nbsp.re scheming&nbsp.U.S. healthcare services. 4. Effectual&nbsp.personnel&nbsp.planning and policy making necessitate enhanced data&nbsp.compilation&nbsp.and an improved information infrastructure Key Message 1 This&nbsp.message&nbsp.that proposed that nurses should practice to the full extent of their training had two crucial subcategories. The first subcategory addresses the&nbsp.scope&nbsp.of the nurses’ practice while the second discusses their residency program. Subcategory 1: Scope of Practice Neuroscience nurses must be able to carry out their duties to the&nbsp.fullness&nbsp.of their training and education training despite their posting whether bedside nurses or advanced practitioners in the community (IOM, 2010).&nbsp.For this cause, the American Association of Neuroscience Nurses (AANN)&nbsp.tactical&nbsp.plan commissioned a task force to&nbsp.revise&nbsp.its 2002 scope and standards&nbsp.article. There is a need to&nbsp.incorporate&nbsp.the&nbsp.extent&nbsp.of&nbsp.practice&nbsp.for advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) with those of bedside nurses to enhance the&nbsp.brilliance&nbsp.in the neurosciences (IOM, 2010). Subcategory 2: Nurses’ residency Programs This subcategory addresses&nbsp.matters&nbsp.pertaining to nurses’ transition from school to&nbsp.real&nbsp.practice. At this time, there is a&nbsp.requirement&nbsp.to put into practice a multilevel residency curriculum to&nbsp.supervise&nbsp.admission&nbsp.into neuroscience nursing and throughout transitions to ranks of greater oversight (IOM, 2010). Key Message 2 The&nbsp.second&nbsp.main&nbsp.message&nbsp.of the IOM Future of Nursing&nbsp.report&nbsp.proposed that nurses should&nbsp.attain&nbsp.higher levels of education and training via an enhanced&nbsp.educational&nbsp.curriculum that endorses seamless academic&nbsp.progression&nbsp.(IOM, 2010). As an&nbsp.ongoing&nbsp.education&nbsp.contributor, AANN encourages the&nbsp.training&nbsp.of neuroscience nurses. It is also&nbsp.crucial&nbsp.

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