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Complete 9 page APA formatted essay: Development(history) of Transportation system in US(or California).Download file "Development(history) of Transportation system in US(or California)" to see previo

Complete 9 page APA formatted essay: Development(history) of Transportation system in US(or California).

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This essay stresses that transportation system development in the U.S. is concentrated on sustainability, economic contribution, environment, governmental efficiency and competitiveness of the nation. Benfield is of the view that efficiency is the only factor that one needs to develop a transportation system.

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Economic cost for transporting goods and passengers, fuel consumption implications, pollution, and urban sprawl and congestion are some of the factors that motivate the government to invest profoundly in developing the national transportation system.

This paper makes a conclusion that the U.S. transportation system has undergone dramatic change processes spanning from the 18th to the 21st century. Its developmental journey started from waterways to mass transit systems of today. The emergence of such a complex transport system had come about through political, economic and social endeavors. From Red Indians during the 18th century to the Gold Rush consumers to the modern transit travelers, these consumers have paved the way for the U.S. transportation system. However, these developmental factors would not have achieved its objectives had it not been for the contribution of business community. Although, they had been motivated by their own interests, nevertheless they were the first "planners" who had literally paved the way for linking settlements, towns and metropolis. Regardless of the players and factors, the U.S. transportation system today is clearly one which deserves admiration.

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