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Compose a 1500 words essay on Adult Children and the Relationships with their Parents. Needs to be plagiarism free!Download file to see previous pages... Such worries are concerned with the physical a

Compose a 1500 words essay on Adult Children and the Relationships with their Parents. Needs to be plagiarism free!

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Such worries are concerned with the physical as well as mental well being. Adult children are apprehensive about their aging parents health, while parents are worried about the health, well being, safety, relationship with peers, partner, financial matters of their adult children. Parents are more worried about the quality of relationship their children have, their predisposition and their position in the society. Strained parental relationships directly influence the psychology of the children and this childhood framed psychology has the lasting implications on the life of the children. The current article presents the research conducted to understand the relationship between the parents and their adult children in the psychological perspective and its propositions on the personality. Introduction Every individual is different and possess special characteristics which define the temperament, persona and individuality. Personality of the individual is an amalgamation of psychology, behavior, outlook, orientation, thinking, aptitude, socialization, communication, moral values and culture in which the individual is groomed. The complete persona of any individual portrays the kind of parenting being provided as well as home atmosphere in which the child was nurtured. An understanding towards deliberations, thinking, feelings and actions that are being displayed by an individual are the direct implications of the parents nature and nurture. These parameters shape the personality of the child and discover applications in every aspect of life, which later on are responsible for the physical and mental well being, ability to cope with the circumstances, ergonomics implicating stress and daily life. The mental makeup of the individual is basically driven by psychological upbringing and plays a vital role in defining, shaping the perception and motives. A positive individual finds out the possible solution to any problem, reacts towards an imposed condition, commit to memory and thoughts, paving way for the cognitive outcome. A positive and motivated individual is sure to maintain harmony and discipline, thereby contribute towards the development of the society. Such individuals stay away from violence, preach non-violence, optimism and constructivism in thoughts, deeds and actions. These actions depict the kind of encouragement and care provided by the parents. A climate of change towards positivism and constructivism is the most resonating chapter in the stressful life of the current epoch. An emotional support from the parents, not only motivates the adult but also generates confidence, a feeling of positive approach in every facet of life. Such individuals are mentally healthy and contribute to the progress of the humanity. On the contrary, if the relations between the parents are strained or parents are separated or divorced, it leads to the chances of culminating strained relation with the others and especially with partner (Amato, 2010). The childhood perception of the family atmosphere is very crucial for nurturing psychology. As the child is groomed in an uncongenial atmosphere or if the parents are divorced or use abusive languages which keep the child away from the love and affection well deserved by the child, implications are seen in the form of marital circumstances of the child (Amato, 2010). The feeling of disbelief, distrust as well as suspicious temperament persist in the individual. Such feelings play vital role in the relationship established with others.

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