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Need an argumentative essay on Analysis of a Systems Theory. Needs to be 9 pages. Please no plagiarism.Download file to see previous pages... This paper therefore seeks to evaluate the role of systems

Need an argumentative essay on Analysis of a Systems Theory. Needs to be 9 pages. Please no plagiarism.

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This paper therefore seeks to evaluate the role of systems theory in the development of public health practice, examine the theory of globalization and its impact on public health, and analyze and evaluate the evolution of systems theory. I addition, the paper will evaluate how action research theory applies to public health and the theory and application of action research. The paper will highlight examples of action research in public health in relation to African American group. The system of public health is tied intrinsically to public health finance. This system of public health represents main signposts for increasing and defining knowledge on public health finance and illustrating public health finance benefits for reasons of strengthening the system of public health. However, public health transforms into an enterprise of the 21st century and adopts concepts of finance that are significant to prosperous versus merely existing under a bombardment of criticisms of the stakeholders. The public health finance advancement offers an infusion of hope that the concepts will be mainstreamed and embraced as core public health values. Systems theory therefore plays a vital role in the development of public health practice (Meleis, 1997). ...

In this regard, we will focus on the theory of self-care deficit, which specifies when nursing is needed for a patient who is incapable of meeting his self-care needs. Orem recognizes that specialized technologies are often developed by members of the health profession. Nurses are needed in order to prevent medication errors. This is because patients cannot do this alone since they are not aware of what medication is best for them. The action of a nurse in her job plays a very important role in medical administration and therefore should be responsible for the medication process (Orem, 1991). According to this self care deficit theory, nurses should assist patients and take care of them where they cannot manage. This can be done through accurately and safely administer medications in order to prevent medication errors. Medication error may happen at any medication stage, therefore prevention measures are of essence. Nurses need to prepare medications for one patient at a time, double check all drug doses, and finally involve the patient when administering the drugs. This will help nurses to prevent medication errors that originate from confusion of which patient for what drug and dose (Potter &amp. Perry, 1992). Nurses can also take a risk reduction and more prospective approach to medical errors. Nurses need to prepare medications for one patient at a time, double check all drug doses, and finally involve the patient when administering the drugs (Taylor, 2006). The theory of globalization and its impact on public health The theory of globalization focuses on the spread of worldwide relations, practices, social life, and consciousness.

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