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Compose a 1500 words essay on Marketing Analyze Project (Company: British Airways). Needs to be plagiarism free!Download file to see previous pages... The organization must have an elaborate understan

Compose a 1500 words essay on Marketing Analyze Project (Company: British Airways). Needs to be plagiarism free!

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The organization must have an elaborate understanding of the market and thereby consider every market dynamic that may possible effects its productivity. Marketing in an organization therefore serves two main purposes: maintaining the current customers of the organization by delivering satisfaction and attracting new customers by promoting superior value to them. This way, the organization earns its relevance in a market thereby retaining its market share. British airways is the largest airline company in the United Kingdom. With more than two hundred international destinations, the airline is also one of the largest airline companies in Europe. This implies that the organization has a wider market, to have an effective access of the market. the company must employ effective marketing strategies. Since the 2009 financial year to the end of the 2011 financial year, the company has maintained an increase in its revenue a trend that portrays the effectiveness of the marketing strategies that the company employs in selling its products. Unlike other markets, the hospitality industry in which the company operates is precarious and therefore require timely strategies advised by an intricate understanding of the market. ...

This implies that it is a primary research. Such a research draws its conclusion from the data it collects from the primary sources. In this context, the primary source refers to the marketing officials of the organization who the researchers will investigate. However, the research does not limit its finding to the primary data but also relies on the secondary data to develop an understanding of the concepts under the investigation. Unlike primary data, secondary data are literature material written by previous scholars on the topic of the research. There are several books and journals among other forms of literature that discuss the structure of the airline mogul and the marketing strategies it employ. Through this, the researchers develop a primary understanding of the company, additionally, such sources aids the researcher product the outcomes of the study (Aaker &amp. Aaker, 2010). The research uses several data collection methods. such include observation, the use of questionnaires and the use interviews. However, each of the methods has a disadvantage, which impairs its effectiveness, to help curb such. the researchers will therefore use all the three strategies thereby making them complement each other thereby earning the exhaustiveness required for the study. Interviews give the researchers an opportunity to ask follow up questions thereby allowing the researchers an opportunity to achieve as much as information as possible. Additionally, the method gives the researchers a chance to make detailed observations of their respondents thereby deriving some information from their body languages.

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