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Compose a 2000 words essay on Human resources Management: Google. Needs to be plagiarism free!Download file to see previous pages... From the research it can be comprehended that correlating personal

Compose a 2000 words essay on Human resources Management: Google. Needs to be plagiarism free!

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From the research it can be comprehended that correlating personal traits to performance evaluation and using these traits as standards in the selection of employees is a good idea. This is because, at a broader context, traits are basic elements inherent in human resources that can be optimized for the company’s operation. In the case of Google, the company has set standard traits for its employees. These traits are (a) being a good coach of a team. (b) nurturing of team empowerment and inhibition of managers to micromanage. (c) expressing of interest for the team’s success and well-being. (d) productive and result-oriented. (e) skilled communicator an good listener. (f) motivates employees for career development. (g) with clear vision and strategies for the team. and, (h) technical expertise. As standard in the performance of their jobs, the same are useful measures in the evaluation of workers performance and as significant indicators in the achievement of company’s success. Being said so, the company necessitates employees who are imbibed with these standard traits and thus, could be also an instrument in the screening of their applicants. Traits are values essential in making the company operate. These are personal values which could be found in every employees of Google company. Such positive traits are essential elements sought amongst employers because this will illustrate the workers’ competence and excellence. ...

Its through this personality traits where employees could understand the patterns of worker’s cognitive, emotional and behavioral aspects (Borghans,, 2008. p. 3) 2. The benefits that Google pays obviously represent an enormous expense. Based on what you know about Google and on what you read in this book, how would you defend all these benefits if you’re making a presentation to the security analysts who were analyzing Google’s performance? Google is one of the top ten leading company and is still maintaining its credibility as world’s best and fastest search engine online. As it systematize the world’s information to make them useful (Google, 2012), it made technology as partner in knowledge development and management which helped advance academic, corporate, industrial, governance and technological development. It targets excellence and perfection in the development of applications, products and related services (Google, 2012). It is not therefore surprising that the company will prefer to invest and offer benefits to its employees that would commensurate to the nature of worker’s skills, abilities, expertise, innovativeness, and agility to perform tasks with exquisite professionalism. Aside from the fact that laws mandate companies to accord just wages and benefits to employees, Popovici, Criveanu, Criveanu, &amp. Munteanu (2010) also pointed that perks and incentives are corporate ways of motivating employees to discourage easy turn-around of employees. Popovici et. Al (2010) explained that equitable salaries, benefits, incentives and perks may sound expensive but these are mechanisms to ascertain that employees are taken cared and are accorded with due importance. These also motivate them as their needs are considered.

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