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Hi, I need help with essay on Public Health Issue. Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!Download file to see previous pages... It is estimated that each year, approximately 1

Hi, I need help with essay on Public Health Issue. Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

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It is estimated that each year, approximately 1.7 million people suffer from TBI (traumatic brain injury). The major causes of traumatic brain injury include motor vehicle crashes, falls, or being struck against or by assault and objects. Majority of these injuries are mild and they result into a short-term interruption like a concussion. On the other hand, some of the injuries may be severe resulting in amnesia or prolonged unconsciousness and they rarely lead to death or permanent disability (NCSL, 2011). Severity of the Problem It is estimated that 300,000 sport-associated traumatic brain injuries occur every year in the United States. the most predominant traumatic brain injury is concussion. The most dominant causes of traumatic brain injuries among young people of the ages between 15 and 24 years are motor vehicle crashes and sports. Researchers agree that concussions are serious injuries occurring frequently among the young people. Studies conducted on collegiate and high school athletes indicate that cumulative impacts may result from a number of (three or more) concussive episodes. The frequency of these concussive episodes stress the seriousness of concussions that are sport related. The participation of students in collegiate and high school sports is increasing. Statistics show that between 2005 and 2006 more than seven million high school students took part in sports and close to 385,000 collegiate students participated in sports activities. Thus, if preventive measures are not implemented, the number of student athletes who may sustain a concussion may also increase. However, there are areas that have not been well understood by the researchers in relation to sport-related concussions. Thus, researchers have presented different findings. For example, the relationship of factors such as the level of competition and sex with concussion is not well understood. Some authors have indicated that the occurrence of concussions among the high school athletes is higher and takes a long to recover compared to collegiate athletes. Researchers have also presented differing evidence and they suggest that the occurrence of concussions may be more at the collegiate level. The focus by many researchers comparing concussion occurrence and recovery among the collegiate and high school athletes is on football and little attention has been given to other female sports or male sports (Gessel et al., 2007). According to CDC (2010), the severity of TBI ranges from mild to severe (mild refers to a short change in consciousness or mental status and severe refers to a prolonged period of amnesia or unconsciousness after the injury. Traumatic brain injury can lead to various functional short-term or long-term changes that affect sensation (smell, taste, and touch), emotions (social inappropriateness, aggression, depression, acting out, personality changes, and anxiety), thinking (reasoning and memory), and language (understanding, communication, expression).

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