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Compose a 250 words essay on Artist's statement on 7 photos. Needs to be plagiarism free!Download file to see previous pages... He feels that she is some kind of photographer vying for a professional

Compose a 250 words essay on Artist's statement on 7 photos. Needs to be plagiarism free!

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He feels that she is some kind of photographer vying for a professional career. He barely takes photos of himself. He takes pictures of his girlfriends, landscapes, at the minimum. However, female's photos are all about her. She has to be in the picture when they go to nice restaurant, cafe, and amusement park. She likes to take photos with other people too, but enjoy taking pictures of herself, the most. And, it does not stop there. When he gets back from the trip, he transfers photos to one folder. When she gets back from the trip, she creates numerously designed and labeled folders to organize her photos. Then, she opens iPhoto and starts to edit her photo, e-mail those to friends, family and post them on Facebook. &nbsp.

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