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Compose a 500 words essay on Anthology of American Literature. Needs to be plagiarism free!Transcendentalists believed that the exchange of conflicts with pragmatism and imagination is for the purpose

Compose a 500 words essay on Anthology of American Literature. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Transcendentalists believed that the exchange of conflicts with pragmatism and imagination is for the purpose of making life more beautiful and worth living. The New World would take the soul of man beyond the petty conflicts of the mundane world which burden the soul, unleashing the mind into a realm which would enable the unification of almighty and man. This unification the transcendentalists believed through the manifestation of nature-man relationship. According to them, god is present at every manifold in nature and unification of man and nature helped them to see the unification of man and god. Philosophers and pioneers of nineteenth-century American Transcendentalism Thoreau and Emerson viewed that once the man’s soul is unchained from the narrow shackles of institution and religion, it can actually reach god and establish unification of the soul with the almighty.

Transcendentalism cannot be directly related with the concept of pantheism. It does not suggest nature-worship directly. On the contrary, the virtue of nature is related with the virtue of an individual soul and both are heightened together on a single platform.

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