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Compose a 500 words essay on IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA IN PREGNANCY. Needs to be plagiarism free!ecially in second and third trimesters, which may cause&nbsp.to anaemia.&nbsp.When morning sickness become

Compose a 500 words essay on IRON DEFICIENCY ANEMIA IN PREGNANCY. Needs to be plagiarism free!

ecially in second and third trimesters, which may cause&nbsp.to anaemia.&nbsp.When morning sickness becomes&nbsp.severe,&nbsp.such that it causes vomiting, the risks of anaemia become higher. The risk of anaemia for the expected mother becomes increasingly&nbsp.high if she has two or more pregnancies closely separated in time or&nbsp.poor&nbsp.iron&nbsp.diet&nbsp.and heavy menstrual flow before the pregnancy (Viteri 73).

Signs of iron deficiency include&nbsp.tiredness, irritation, palpitations and lack of motivation. The skin may appear pale.&nbsp.The eyelids, lips and fingernails&nbsp.may also appear&nbsp.white.&nbsp.This occurs because blood vessels have&nbsp.less&nbsp.red blood cells&nbsp.flowing through them.&nbsp.As the iron deficiency progresses one might experience shortness of breath. Many pregnant women&nbsp.assume&nbsp.shortness of breath to be&nbsp.normal&nbsp.pregnancy symptom. One should not rule out the possibility of anaemia. Baby Centre in the Medical Advisory Board infers that there is a&nbsp.connection&nbsp.between a condition called Pica and iron deficiency. Pica&nbsp.condition&nbsp.occurs when one lacks&nbsp.iron&nbsp.and craves for non food-substances, such as paper,&nbsp.clay&nbsp.or paint (Earl, Woteki, and Calloway 57). When a pregnant woman has these cravings, she should not eat them but&nbsp.consult&nbsp.a care provider. Pica can be a result of physical or&nbsp.psychological&nbsp.problems.&nbsp.When anaemia is at an advanced&nbsp.stage,&nbsp.one&nbsp.may experience headache and migraines.

An iron deficient pregnant woman has greater risk of death when her baby is at prenatal period. It&nbsp.is estimated&nbsp.that 500,000 deaths occur each year due to this. She has shorter pregnancy than non-anaemic pregnant woman. The chances of having pre-term&nbsp.delivery&nbsp.are&nbsp.high. The&nbsp.infant&nbsp.has&nbsp.low&nbsp.birth weight because of the condition of the mother.&nbsp.Delivery&nbsp.endurance&nbsp.and physical&nbsp.effort&nbsp.of anaemic women may be&nbsp.low&nbsp.due to these complications (Somer 202).&nbsp.During lactation, anaemic womans&nbsp.breast milk will not contain enough iron for the infant.&nbsp.In some cases, iron-deficient women

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