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Compose a 500 words essay on The According Architecture. Needs to be plagiarism free!The diverse nature of students in the CCA community also attracted me to the institution as I will get a chance to

Compose a 500 words essay on The According Architecture. Needs to be plagiarism free!

The diverse nature of students in the CCA community also attracted me to the institution as I will get a chance to interact with students from diverse backgrounds.

Architecture plays a great role in capturing a communities’ history and culture in a given era or historical period. Architectural works such as the Roman Coliseum, Taj Mahal, Empire state building and etcetera all capture the communities’ history during the time they were constructed. The cultural heritage of a community this is well captured in many areas by its architectural designs. Well-versed architects are very important in this regard if culture is to be preserved and thus my keen interest in this field.

Architects are also the builders of the environment or habitation in which the populace lives at a given time. When we have well-trained architects, like that done in your institution, the contribution to the community is immense. They are able to plan cities and amenities with the consideration of the future in perspective. Haphazard planning and construction of cities result in problems in the future in the areas of poor drainage, sewerage and road networks. Architects help to enhance and improve a communities’ way of life since new methods and building materials are being discovered in every generation and they are the implementers of the same.

With Society wishing to move on towards civilization and modernity in all spheres of life, architecture plays a major role in enhancing this. The man has migrated from living in caves to the ultra-modern habitations that are springing up all over the world. I feel I would contribute immensely to the community as your college equips me with the necessary knowledge and skills in this field.

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