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Compose a 750 words essay on Change model. Needs to be plagiarism free!Download file to see previous pages... This paper is aimed at discussing the change process in an organization, including Health

Compose a 750 words essay on Change model. Needs to be plagiarism free!

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This paper is aimed at discussing the change process in an organization, including Health Safety and Environment change model and its application. The change process There are various models of the change process available today. Examples of models of change include the HSE. Kotters’ eight- step change model. Kurt Lewin’s model. Meta model among others. Kotter's eight-step model is a general organization-wide change management model where management initiates change (Beckhard 1969). It starts with increasing the urgency and building a guiding team. One must have the right vision and ensure you appeal to as many people as possible. Also, one must ensure that all obstacles against that vision are removed, maintain persistence and make the change last. Kurt Lewin’s model is based on the three processes of unfreezing, change and then freezing. Lewin’s theory, though appearing as impractical, is still relevant and has been adopted by most modern change process models (Almaraz 1994). The Meta change model, on the other hand, is based on the provision of understanding of the principles of the change process that is better than the other models. It achieves this by ensuring identification of the common themes in a broader perspective, ranging from individual to organization based changes (George &amp. Jones 2000). First, one needs to study the patterns of change, which enables him or her get the stimulus for adapting to the change. The next step involves the rationalization of the necessity for change, preparing and adjusting to change that now becomes the normalcy. The Meta change model is renowned for its coverage of a broader range of fields thus diversifies the perspectives to the change process Rationale for the change model selected. The selected change model is HSE, which is the Health Safety and Environment change model. It is used in managing safety, health and environmental impact issues. The approach applied in the HSE model includes a combination of the project management and organizational development. This is essential as it facilitates implementation of discipline and structure to the change process (Kotter 2011). The HSE change model was used over more detailed change processes for instance the Kotters' eight-steps change model because the staff at the radiology department initiated the need for change. This eliminated the need for increasing the urgency as the radiology staff already wanted a better system. In addition to this, successful transition and adaptation to the change process requires the interaction and good relations between parties involved, in this case the hospital staff and patients (Bradford &amp. Burke 2005). HSE model is a preferable choice as it encourages the recognition of people involved in the change process and this promotes successful transition (George &amp. Jones 2000). HSE thus promotes team work, which is paramount to change the process. Being a health-care change (IHE), the HSE change model was the most suitable as it is geared more for managing change in the health-care provision which is driven more by the staff and patient needs at the radiology department. The IHE implementation change is taking place only at the radiology department and given the need for change originated from radiology staff, the HSE change model was chosen as more suitable for the health-care change.

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