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Considering Development & Professional Youth Development to Identify Program Targets (Tue 10/22) Submit a brief paper that addresses key developmental and/or PYD practice research and theory to id

Considering Development & Professional Youth Development to Identify Program Targets (Tue 10/22)

Submit a brief paper that addresses key developmental and/or PYD practice research and theory to identify and justify the type of program and youth outcomes you’ll target. We should see the logical connection between developmental research/theory PYD frameworks/practices and the chosen target(s) of interest. You are not yet describing in detail “what” you’ll do in the program…just provide some  evidence-informed background and justification about why we may need a program. As you consider outcomes, be sure that you are not so abstract, grand or long-term that your program may not reasonably achieve this outcome. This paper will be 2-3 pages of text, plus title page and reference list.

Points Criterion

5 DEVELOPMENT: Demonstrates understanding of key developmental change/transitions for adolescents; includes relevant research related to how to foster growth or thriving in the domain of interest (e.g., cognitive, emotional, behavioral, academic, social, etc)

5 PYD: Clearly articulate key concepts and processes in the chosen PYD framework(s);  framework is clearly applied to the targeted outcomes of interest  

5 TARGET OUTCOME: Provides a brief description of the nature of the proposed program and clearly identifies no more than 2 key target outcomes of interest (e.g., things you believe your program could reasonably affect and that you could measure within a relatively short amount of time)

5 QUALITY OF WRITING: Clear, concise, grammatically correct; paper flows well between  concepts and findings creating a cohesive “story” easy for the reader to follow

5 APA: Follows APA 7h Edition style guidelines in text, format, and referencing

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