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Crafting a Strategy to Fit the Business

The Web site Amazon.com once aimed to be the world’s largest bookseller. Now the company offers a wide range of products and services to consumers, operating online retail storefronts for partners and developing and selling its own manufactured products (such as Kindle).

Can a company like Amazon.com have a strong business model but a weak strategy? Using the Internet, find Amazon’s most recent annual report and peruse its main sections.

Based on your analysis of the report, respond to the following:

  • How has the company’s strategy changed from the original generic strategy that was applied? 
  • How would you describe the central elements of Amazon’s strategy?
  • In your opinion, what elements are involved in implementing the following business strategies?
    • A low-cost provider strategy
    • Differentiation
    • Diversification
    • Market timing

Write your initial response in approximately 300 words.

Apply APA standards to citation of sources.

Amazon. (2012). http://www.amazon.com

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