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Create a 1 page essay paper that discusses -Education Interests-See below for details.The Marquette community has created an environment where ideas are generated at the local level yet help in addres

Create a 1 page essay paper that discusses -Education Interests-See below for details.

The Marquette community has created an environment where ideas are generated at the local level yet help in addressing global problems.

These two concepts will influence me into taking up initiatives at the local level with the aim of creating awareness of the overall global problems the world faces today.

For example, by collaborating with others, these two concepts can be used to address the local environmental problems, and this will in turn have a global effect. By remaining local and global, Marquette encourages the idea of working with local communities in understanding the society and the world in general. I intend to collaborate with these communities in order to understand their problems, and use the knowledge acquired in class to deal with the identified challenges. Working together with local communities helps in aligning one’s knowledge to meet the current market expectations. In addition, these two contrasting elements call for collaboration with other local and international institutions in order to expand the knowledge base. Through this approach, I will get the opportunity to interact with like-minded individuals from other learning institutions and relevant organizations. In the end, such collaboration helps in building networks and expanding one’s knowledge and

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