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Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses Positive psychology: Altruism, Love, Appreciation, and Forgiveness.It so happened that I developed a crush on an Asian girl, Samantha by name. We were in the

Create a 2 page essay paper that discusses Positive psychology: Altruism, Love, Appreciation, and Forgiveness.

It so happened that I developed a crush on an Asian girl, Samantha by name. We were in the same class in fifth grade and she was introduced to us as a new girl at school, her family recently having migrated to the USA from India. She was a shy demure girl and I was told to share my seat in class with her. I was struck by her innocence and beauty and the fact that she came from a country so far away. Although many girls in the class did not like her at first, I took it upon myself to be her protector and confidante, looking out for her well being and helping her understand American values. She was an eager learner and truly appreciated my concern. However her father was quite overprotective and did not want her to mix with American boys. He preferred she mixed with others in her own community. Well, although we liked each other she could not return my feelings for her due to this fact. Her father came to know about our relationship and even phoned up my parents telling them to keep their son away from his daughter. My parents did just that and in the end she got friendly with an Asian guy and they got engaged as well. She phoned me once to say that she did not really love him and was being pushed into marriage but I decided it was not my concern.

One might well question my intentions on meeting and befriending her. It seemed the most natural thing in the world to want to be with her, but I wonder if I had really acted unselfishly? (Ratner & Miller, 2001). Is love an unselfish act and can we help who we are attracted to? I do not know the answer to this one but I know people who have married for fame and money. I could have helped her escape from her forced relationship but would that act be out of altruism or self egoism? (Batson, 1990). I wonder whether we are all really self egoistic human beings. Though acts of altruism do happen, it is best if the left hand does not know what the right hand has done. I have forgiven her

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