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Create a 3 page essay paper that discusses Anxiety Disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.Download file to see previous pages... As a result, a lot of individuals have been indicated to portray a

Create a 3 page essay paper that discusses Anxiety Disorders and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

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As a result, a lot of individuals have been indicated to portray a lot of compulsive behaviors which recur from time to time. Worse still Hyman &amp. Pedrick (2010) indicate that individuals have constantly been on the move to avoid the recurrence of the compulsive behaviors, but they cannot resist the urge to perform certain activities so as to alleviate these feelings. This is a simple illustration of the fact that anxiety and anguish are the major driving forces of the compulsions. Ignorance of anguish and anxiety augments the chances of recurrence of laid up behaviors. In the research work of Hyman &amp. Pedrick (2010), relentless anxious feelings, and recurring unproductive manners are the two key indicators of OCD. They continue to argue that recurring behaviors are more or less an antidote to OCD as such acts reduce anxiety, and the individuals feel that they control and submerge their feelings. This can be illustrated in Elliot &amp. Smith’s (2008), the cycle of anxiety which begins with the individuals having obsessive thoughts, followed by a need to perform an activity. then they develop an image that at times may not be real. For instance, being in a crowded place, an individual may begin to develop fears of getting TB and may alight from a bus, or even cover their nose. This stage of getting a strange obsession is what Elliot &amp. Smith (2008), indicate that cause anxiety. The constant covering of the nose ritual reduces anxiety, but the individual will still assume that germs are piling up. It is from this OCD cycle that Elliot &amp. Smith’s (2008) work validates the argument that OCD is an example of anxiety disorder. The obsessions portrayed by individuals, in this case, cause anxiety, and compulsions which if repeated reduce anxiety. However, the graduation of these feelings can be described as OCD. It is also vital to note that most persons disregard the existence of the disorder once they attain relief from the OCD cycle. The relief stage creates an illusion that anxiety is irrational. doubt takes over individuals’ minds. The diagnosis of OCD is yet another proof that anxiety is a causative agent of OCD. OCD diagnosis constitutes a mental diagnosis of individuals that are mostly linked to having emanated from emotional instabilities. These instabilities have been linked to compulsions and anxiety that may ultimately lead to addiction (Hyman &amp. Pedrick, 2010). Elliot &amp. Smith’s (2008) work also emphasizes that OCD erodes the minds of the individuals and destabilizes the general well being of individuals succumbing to the disorder. The underlying cause has been termed as one characterized by strange thoughts and weird actions. Anxiety will majorly cause bizarre actions which may also have a percentage of absurdity. Elliot &amp. Smith (2008) caution that in as much such actions may seem funny, the diagnosis and treatment of OCD is definitely one that causes alarm and call for seriousness and fast treatment. Constant assumptions of the symptoms portrayed by the individuals must be avoided, as Elliot &amp. Smith’s (2008) work cautions. Conclusively, as depicted from the analysis of OCD, it is evident that anxiety has a huge relationship with anxiety.&nbsp.&nbsp.

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