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Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Classical Conditioning Applied Treating Phobias. It needs to be at least 1250 words.Download file to see previous pages... Classical conditioning c

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an essay on Classical Conditioning Applied Treating Phobias. It needs to be at least 1250 words.

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Classical conditioning can be termed as a conditioned response that can be obtained through making the pateint correlate a UCS with a specific response. It is used to make subjects fear a neutral stimulus. Phobias can be triggered by classical conditioning as a means of gradual treatment. In this scenario, a response (avoidance or fear) can be conditioned to a previous stimulus after an initiating shock. Classical conditioning is also known as Pavlovian condition. The underlying processes in this category of Pavlovian condition include: S-R vs S-S learnining, Stimulus substitution vs Preparatory –Response theory and Compensatory Response model. All these models are practically applicable when understanding the nature of certain phobias like Agoraphobia, OCD, Specific phobias and social anxiety. Pavlovian conditioning can also be used in treating these kinds of phobias and is useful in Aversion therapy. This paper seeks to explore the different subsections in classical conditioning, discuss the different forms of phobia and the recommended ways of treatment. The different subsections of classical condition. S-S (stimulus –substitution) vs S-R (Stimulus – Response) learning model was determined by Hollowat and Domjan (1993) as they evaluated the vigor of responding by reduction of the motivation factor to respond to the US. S-S theory association is learned between CS and mental representation of the US. Majority of evidence shows that the S-S theory particularly uses the Pavlovian process. Preparatory - Response theory is based on the assumption that the CR can be different or opposite to the UR. In this kind of response, the purpose of the CR is to explain topographical similarity and dissimilarity of some CS to US. The Compensatory Response model determines the after reactions to the US that are elicited by the CS. If compensatory process came before the US, there is a possibility of minimizing effects of US. This is because the CS elicits compulsory responses that will counter the effects of US. It can be correlated to Drug tolerance when some of the CSs (neutral stimuli) are able to signal that a drug is coming. Therefore, when a person sees these CSs his heart rate lowers, thus, moderating the effect of the drug once it has been ingested. Compensatory model is also used in drug withdrawal with repeated exposure to the drug in the specific context that enables the b- process to increase in strength and duration. A phobia is regarded as an irrational fear, which produces conscious avoidance of the object, or situation that is feared. The affected person notices that the reaction is excessive. Social Anxiety can be a normal and an abnormal response. Some amount of anxiety is termed as normal when it is associated with optimum levels of functioning. However, this is abnormal when anxiety begins to interfere with social or occupational functioning. The anxiety response patterns include fear, panic and anxiety disorder. This can be associated with a very important law called the Yerkes Dodson Law. The different types of specific phobias include. hydrophobia, pathophobia, fire, pain and claustrophobia. This is mainly caused by genetic and temperamental causal factors and psychological causal factors. Agoraphobia is known as the anxiety of being trapped in places where there is no escape. It is more common than a panic disorder.

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