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Create a 3 page essay paper that discusses Essay- Globalisation:How Has it Affected Local Cultures.Download file to see previous pages... It has affected local cultures because of changes in cultural

Create a 3 page essay paper that discusses Essay- Globalisation:How Has it Affected Local Cultures.

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It has affected local cultures because of changes in cultural lifestyles of indigenous people. The research indicates that globalization has created significant impact on local cultures because of increased technology advancement. thus creating new changes in the society (Wilson, 2006). Many scholars view globalization as the introduction of new technological changes into the existing culture. They view globalization as a hindrance towards successful market for local products because of high quality foreign products that are sold at cheap prices. Although globalization attempts to bring change to the local culture, it has significantly led to loss of cultural identity and threatens the viability of locally manufactured products. Globalization has led to loss of cultural identity in the traditional society. Globalization has considerably threatened the local heritage because of westernization. The detached cultures are under threat in the contemporary society because of emerging issues of modernization. This is because modernization has fostered the decline of costs. The declining costs alter the experience of societies into a greater incorporation of varied cultural values. For instance, the information flow, increased advancement in technology and reduced communication cost has contributed to a global community. Wilson (2006) argues that the identity developed through the interaction process has become problematic because of ethnicity. The identity constructed in most cases to those people who travel beyond borders or interact through digital technologies contributes to conflicting issues among diverse cultures. The language expansion generates interaction plethora among varied nations in terms of variations in policymaking, and it manipulates cultural identity. Globalization threatens the feasibility of locally manufactured products. The increased advancement in technology has contributed to cheap labor and high production of commodities that are competitive in the global market. This has threatened the locally manufactured products because globalization offers a welcoming entrance for many customers to access easily products that customers could not otherwise have. For instance, the new foreign products in the market are sold at cheaper prices. thus displacing the locally traditional products. The products are also of high quality compared to local products produced by the indigenous people. hence becoming highly competitive. These products make the foreign products achieve a competitive advantage in the market. thus making the local farmers suffer from a loss. This is because the local farmers or producers are forced to reduce the price for their products at a price that can enable them to outcompete with the foreign products. However, globalization has enabled business to compete favorably in the competitive market. The use of technology has enabled vendors to manufacture new products in the market that are of high quality in the market. Younkins (2000) points out that technology innovation permits individuals to advance further in manufacturing of different products and reduce poverty in the society. Many companies are nowadays utilizing technology in manufacturing of innovative products that are competitive in the market. This is essential because it offers business industries a competitive advantage in the market. thus increasing their revenues (Mate, 2012).

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