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Create a 3 page essay paper that discusses Globalization In Education.United States of America enjoys a very high rate of literacy. This is supported by effective education system and the global natur

Create a 3 page essay paper that discusses Globalization In Education.

United States of America enjoys a very high rate of literacy. This is supported by effective education system and the global nature of incumbent. This makes it easy for the locals as well as the foreigners who turn to States for educational purpose. Overall the beneficiary of this situation is the educational sector and the economy of the nation. The overall global nature of the world is contributing to the globalization of education in its own right. Since the fast paced world has made it easy for students and communities to travel between places, as a result education sector has benefited from it equally.

In present day, the American schools and colleges depict a scene that was not common before. Multi ethnic background holders are part of every class and education is imparted to them without any subjugation and discrimination.

The traces of educational sector globalization and efforts made towards its promotion and implementation in the American educational system can be traced to the early days of 19th century. The overall attempt was inspired by European efforts.

The global nature of education system in United States has made the overall curriculum more dynamic and challenging for the students at the same time. However this challenge makes it more vibrant and compatible for the challenges of 21st century. Globalization of education also puts more emphasis on seeking of education and enrolling the children into the schools and colleges. American education system’s long run secret can possibly be attributed to the policies adopted and the globalization inducted in the system.

As a result of globalized nature of education, new technology is an integral part of the overall education system. Classes are equipped with devices and machinery that were never imagined. This has made the process of learning more interesting. As a result the students have become more responsive at the same time. As a consequence the scope of available

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