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Create a 9 pages page paper that discusses importance of business models nowadays.

Create a 9 pages page paper that discusses importance of business models nowadays. The structures allow the firms to determine the elements and functions of the business, value proposition and revenue stream so that the company can make sure that it has all the sources required for running the enterprise.

Therefore, it is suggested that intellectuals.com is created so that the website can meet the demands of online book buyers. It will even make sure that the customers are provided access to the entire range of books for kids and young adults at affordable price ranges. This online business will be developed on the basis of affiliate, merchant and subscription models so that the company can survive in a tough and competitive environment.

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of online businesses because technological advancements have eased the operational processes to a great extent. Even globalization and elimination of trade barriers among nations have permitted the companies to reach a wide target market globally (Ryan & Jones, 2012). In the mid-1990s, there was a sudden rise in the dot com companies but some of them had to close their enterprises due to improper business models. Therefore, it is mandatory for all types of organizations to design and implement a business model which will allow it to assess the viability of the venture (Rios & Riquelme, 2010).

In this paper, a brief overview of various forms of business models available for online companies is discussed. Then, the importance of these structures is presented to provide clarity about their roles in business performance. After the theoretical understanding, a recommended online venture is detailed along with all vital elements of the enterprise so that there is just about the viability of this unique firm. Finally, the business model of Fresh Direct is presented to give an idea about the technique employed by the well-known online entity for managing its&nbsp.operations.

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