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Criminal justice:Assignment #2 Research Ethics
Name: __________________________________
1. Briefly outline the Zimbardo Prison Study (a.k.a. “The Stanford Prison Experiment”).
2. Where did the researchers go wrong?
3. What could they have done differently to offset some of the problems that cropped up?
4. Briefly outline the Milgram Obedience Study.
5. Where did the researchers go wrong?
6. What could they have done differently to offset some of the problems that cropped up?
7. Select the research questions of either the Zimbardo prison study or Milgam’s obedience study. Propose a replication study in which you eliminate or minimize the ethical concerns of the original study. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8. Describe the three basic ethical principles of respect for persons, beneficence, and justice. How does each contribute to the appropriate treatment of research subjects?
9. Do you believe that certain groups (e.g., pregnant women, prisoners, children, etc.) are vulnerable and need special protection? Why or why not?
10. Are there any additional groups not currently recognized that you believe should receive special protection? Defend your position.
11. Do you agree that the use of deception is sometimes required in research?
12. What can be achieved through deception that warrants its use?
13. What limitations would you place on the use of deception?
14. When can researchers break their assurances of confidentiality? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
15. Why should researchers be able to do? Why shouldn’t they be? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
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****** ********* ********************** ************ *** ******** ****** ******** The Stanford Prison ********** *** ** ********** ***** ** ********* *** ****** roles of an individual does influence ******* behaviour ** ** ******* *** impact of **** ********* ** *** ************* and ******** effects ** *** ********* ******** ******* *** prisoners *** *** prison officers influenced ********** *** *********** emotionally traumatized some of *** ********* *** had * ******** ************* ****** ** ***** life **** ***** **** The *********** ***** **** ******* *** ****** *********** ** *** ****** as ** was ********** regarding questionnaires ************ There *** too * **** ** ********* ** *** ********* *** participated in the research *** *** ***** ** all ** that ** **** ******* ********** ********** by ******** *********** collected ***** had **** ******** ** remain ************* Researchers ***** **** ******** ************** **** only ******* ** ******** **** but *** **** anyone *************** as ** ******** They *** ***** *** **** ********** *** information collected ***** drawing a ********** *** ***** have **** **** ** *** selection ** those to ** used in the ******** like be ****** ****** ******* directly ******** ********* MILGRAM ********* ****** ** the ***** the **** aim was to measure *** ***** ** ********* regarding ********** ** *** ********* ***** *** * ******** ********** *** ***** ** *** ********** he gave ****** ***** *** rest *** to ***** ** ***** **** **** ****** they *** ******** **** *** ******** ********* and ********** It however *********** that * very **** proportion of ****** ***** conform to obey the ****** ******* ************ ******** ** emotional ****** ** * way that **** **** ** ****** **** ****** **** felt *********** ******* It too **** ******** ** ******* ******** * ****** **** **** ** ****** *********** when **** ******* **** *** under **** * ****** ******* would **** conducted **** an ********** ******** in ****** * ********** ***** ** **** ******* letting them **** what ** going ** ** ** ***** ******* ** *** **** ********* ** ******* *********** ******** **************** ******* name……………………………ii **************************************************** **************************************************** ************************************************* ********** ** ****** ****** ******* on * ********* ************ **** Good• Good• ******* ***** ******* for persons: ***** ********** *** *********** ** activities **** ***** *** decisions and ********** ***** ******** ***** *** * **** ** coacher ******* ***** ********************** *********** **** ** make every effort ** ******** *** **** incurred ***** maximising *** **************** ****** ********* to **** quality *** ******** ********* ** ************ ** the research ******* *** *** participants have ** ***** on *** roles they’re ought ** ***** out9 Yes **** require ******* ********** ***** in ***** ***** the ******** group *** ** attacked its ******* ***** *** ****** **** For ******** ****** *********** and challenging *** * ******** ****** ** vacate a dangerous **** ** * ***** **** as *** requires ******** ** assist ***** *** **** Deaf and ***** persons *** ***** to ******* ******* ********** *** instance the **** are *** also ****** ****** to ******* **** **** ********* ** ***** ***** ** requires ****** to **** ********* ******* ************* *** * would ******* *** *** of ********* ** **** instances ***** ***** ********** ********** to the ******** findings ******* where *** ****** ** help *** ******* the research ***** ** unwilling *** therefore *** *** to **** ** ***** * *** ** ********** **** to ********* them12 ** ***** *** ** *** ********** of **** ********** *********** vital ** *** ******* ** *** *********** ** ** **** ** *** ***** ***** ** the ****** ******** **** **** ** *************** **** **** can’t be ********* ** *** ********* *********** It ***** ** be ***** that ********** ***** negatively ********* the ******** findings as *** *********** ********* ***** *** reflect on the ****** happening on *** ******** When *** *********** under ******* **** some ******** information **** ought ** ** ********* **** maybe assisted in one way ** ******* where ***** ** **** *** * ****** ** when *** ** *************** ********* in **** ***** ** need ** ****** ****** ******* *** also **** there ** need to **** * ****** *********** ** * ********** ******* ****** ** **** to ** ** ** **** it ******* ** something useful **** would ********** ********** ** *** ******** *** ***** *************** **** too ****** ***** do ** in ***** ***** ** ******* in **** severe ********* to the research **** ** **** ** *** ********* ****** ** the person whose info *** obtained ******