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E-commerce 101 Assignment

E-commerce 101 Assignment

Assignment Purposes:

Evaluate the characteristics of e-commerce.

Demonstrate effective use of technology for communication.

Evaluate the effectiveness of an e-commerce Web site.

Explain the security and threats in the e-commerce environment.

Analyze basic concepts of consumer behavior and purchasing decisions.

To apply critical thinking by the students.

Assignment Workload:

This assignment is an individual assignment.

The word count for this assignment must be between 2500 to 3000 words.

Assignment Objectives & Requirements:

To create a new E-commerce business, which is located in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which include the followings: (300 – 400 words)

Introduction about your business.

Product and type of services.

Business statement.

Business vision.

Business objective.

To explain your business E-commerce processes. (100 – 200 words)

To apply a SWOT analysis to your business. (100 – 200 words)

Building the E-commerce website. (100 – 200 words)

How it will look likes in terms of design and format (draft).

Student is required to explain its E-commerce system functionality, such as: (200 – 300 words)

The product menu will show all the product we have in stoke. 

The contact button will have all the company contact details, social media links Facebook, Instagram, etc.

System design (Picture attachment).

Determine the suitable software and hardware needed with an explanation on why it’s needed. (300- 400 words)

What type of functionality needed in your website, such as CRM? 

What type of hardware needed? Do you need a server or it will be in the cloud?

Identifying security issues as well as how to avoid it. (200 – 300 words)

What type of security? To whom or to what?

Potential threats to your website?


Categorize marketing and advertising strategy and method. (300-500 words)


Marketing method.

Social media.

Local marketing.

Multichannel marketing.

Describe what are the ethics and laws within your E-commerce Website. (200 – 300 words)

Conclude your report. (100 – 200 words)

Assignment Purposes:

Evaluate the characteristics of e-commerce.

Demonstrate effective use of technology for communication.

Evaluate the effectiveness of an e-commerce Web site.

Explain the security and threats in the e-commerce environment.

Analyze basic concepts of consumer behavior and purchasing decisions.

To apply critical thinking by the students.

Assignment Workload:

This assignment is an individual assignment.

The word count for this assignment must be between 2500 to 3000 words.

Assignment Objectives & Requirements:

To create a new E-commerce business, which is located in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which include the followings: (300 – 400 words)

Introduction about your business.

Product and type of services.

Business statement.

Business vision.

Business objective.

To explain your business E-commerce processes. (100 – 200 words)

To apply a SWOT analysis to your business. (100 – 200 words)

Building the E-commerce website. (100 – 200 words)

How it will look likes in terms of design and format (draft).

Student is required to explain its E-commerce system functionality, such as: (200 – 300 words)

The product menu will show all the product we have in stoke. 

The contact button will have all the company contact details, social media links Facebook, Instagram, etc.

System design (Picture attachment).

Determine the suitable software and hardware needed with an explanation on why it’s needed. (300- 400 words)

What type of functionality needed in your website, such as CRM? 

What type of hardware needed? Do you need a server or it will be in the cloud?

Identifying security issues as well as how to avoid it. (200 – 300 words)

What type of security? To whom or to what?

Potential threats to your website?


Categorize marketing and advertising strategy and method. (300-500 words)


Marketing method.

Social media.

Local marketing.

Multichannel marketing.

Describe what are the ethics and laws within your E-commerce Website. (200 – 300 words)

Conclude your report. (100 – 200 words)

E-commerce 101 Assignment

Assignment Purposes:

Evaluate the characteristics of e-commerce.

Demonstrate effective use of technology for communication.

Evaluate the effectiveness of an e-commerce Web site.

Explain the security and threats in the e-commerce environment.

Analyze basic concepts of consumer behavior and purchasing decisions.

To apply critical thinking by the students.

Assignment Workload:

This assignment is an individual assignment.

The word count for this assignment must be between 2500 to 3000 words.

Assignment Objectives & Requirements:

To create a new E-commerce business, which is located in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which include the followings: (300 – 400 words)

Introduction about your business.

Product and type of services.

Business statement.

Business vision.

Business objective.

To explain your business E-commerce processes. (100 – 200 words)

To apply a SWOT analysis to your business. (100 – 200 words)

Building the E-commerce website. (100 – 200 words)

How it will look likes in terms of design and format (draft).

Student is required to explain its E-commerce system functionality, such as: (200 – 300 words)

The product menu will show all the product we have in stoke. 

The contact button will have all the company contact details, social media links Facebook, Instagram, etc.

System design (Picture attachment).

Determine the suitable software and hardware needed with an explanation on why it’s needed. (300- 400 words)

What type of functionality needed in your website, such as CRM? 

What type of hardware needed? Do you need a server or it will be in the cloud?

Identifying security issues as well as how to avoid it. (200 – 300 words)

What type of security? To whom or to what?

Potential threats to your website?


Categorize marketing and advertising strategy and method. (300-500 words)


Marketing method.

Social media.

Local marketing.

Multichannel marketing.

Describe what are the ethics and laws within your E-commerce Website. (200 – 300 words)

Conclude your report. (100 – 200 words)

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****************** ******************************************** ********** **************** *********** is the ability ** ******* ******** ***** ********** means through *** ******** ** the ******* ** ***** ****** one ** *** **** E- commerce ********** to ***** ** *** **** ******** *** ******* *** marketing ** ** online ********** **** This shop ****** ****** ********** ******* ** ***** ******* and also ********* The ******** ** ******** to ****** the barrier ** ******* *** ******** make *** ****** ** the ******** ********* make ******** ******* *** same technology and ****** also **** *** *** ****** ** ******* ********** business ****** *********** ** ********* ***** ** ******** *** *** ** *** ******** ** *********** ******* Examples ** ***** ******* are the cell ***** ******* *** desk **** televisions *** sound ******* ***** ******** are expected ** ** ****** on an ****** platform ***** **** **** be sold ** ********* *** ******** *** the ******** ********* ******** ***** different systems: * *** ****** **** can ****** * ***** ***** *** ******* the ************ ******** * database ****** **** *** **** * ***** of *** ***** *** store *** ** ***** and they ****** ** ******* constantly so ** ** ** **** to **** ***** *** item **** **** ** ***** * database system **** can **** ***** the ***** **** *** ***** *** in ***** *** * ******** ****** that ** ****** ** the **** house ***** the ***** can be ********* located *** **** to *** buyer ** an **** *** ***** ********* business statement is that the business to provide ******** **** are of **** ******* *** ******* *** *** Ecommerce business to ******* *********** ** ***** ****** *** also ****** ************* **** ** door to **** *********** ****** *** the ******** is making ** **** ** ****** ****** *********** ** ** ********** ******** **** ********* *** the ********** business ** ** fulfil *** demand ** *** electronic ******** of *** **** ** **** delivery of *** **************** 2 Since * commerce ** combining three different ******* **** are: * *** ****** **** *** ****** an online store ***** *** ******* transactions a data base system **** can **** * check ** ***** *** ***** *** in ***** *** ****** ********** update as ****** **** ****** and **** *** ***** ** being *********** * ******** ****** that ** linked to * **** ***** ***** goods *** ** instantly located *** **** ** the ***** ** quickly ** ******** **** ** ************ ********* for *** ********* ******** *** *** * ******** on electronic business the ***** ******* are ***** ** ** of *** For *** * ******** ******** ***** ***** methods **** ** put into **************** ***** is * ***** **** ** ********* ********** ************* and ******* *** ******* **** *** SWOT analysis to ***** ** ********* *** ******** *** *********** ******** ***** and Richter **** *** *** ** *** objectives ** *** *********** ******** ** ** **** ********* ** opportunities that bring themselves ** *** *** ** ******** ******* ******* **** ** theft The *********** ********* will ** * **** source ** information ***** what you ** well *** where ***** ** **** for *********** *** the ******* is seeking *** ***** ************** markets ****** quickly *** competitors *** neutralize what *** **** an *********** *** instance ********* back *** of *** ******** ** ecommerce was the **** **** ******** offered **** shopping ***** the ***** ****** *** not ******** most *********** ********* **** ******** **** ******* **** *** web-only sellers This ** * ******** *** company ** ******** ** deal **** by marketing genuine ******** and *********** **** properlyQuestion ********* an ********* ******* In this *** ********* ** ********** **** *** more ********* ** ****** store ** ******** a crucial ******* in * ******** **** the ******* ***** when stating *** *** ******* ** When ******** ** ********* *** ***** step ** deciding what *** is ******* for *** **** *********** *** ***** *********** The **** **** ** ********* * shopping cart *** ******** **** ******** ****** one ** *** up products and ******** *** sale ** the internet *** third ***** is ******** *** ********* *********** ****** **** ** ******* up *** ******** ***** **** ************** **** ** ** ***** **** ** ***** one **** ***** it at * position ***** transportation **** be **** The **** **** is ******* ** the payment ******* ***** **** ******* *** website shopping cart ** *** ********* ******* *** ********** *** sixth **** is selecting * ************ account ******** by ********* *** electronic ****** and the last step ** *********** *** ******* ************ and ******* **** **** *** website **** be **** **** ******* ** **** ** **** for ********* ** **** **************** **** E-commerce website will ******* * menu ****** This ****** will **** the ******** **** *** ******* *** ** ***** It **** **** ***** ******** **** as ***** in ** * ******** ******* in ***** ** make *** ********* ****** A hamburger **** ** **** *********** ** ** *** three horizontal ***** **** *** sees at *** *** ** **** screens ****** ** *** far **** ** *** ***** ** ******** *** icon ** ****** open ** a **** **** with * ********* of ******* ** **** ********** ***** *** ********* three line **** ** ****** *********** ******* one *** pack **** features **** ***** apps ** navigation ** ** **** for the app **** ** web ******* ** press *** ****** and ****** *** menu *** *** **** **** ****** **** be *** **** ** *** one to ****** * ******** account *** ****** ****** ** *** ******** and *********** ******* ****** ****** ******* ******* ******* **** *** customer **** number *** *** company’s email ****** ***** links **** book ********* *** **** ******* This ****** help in ********* *** ******* and also making *** Ecommerce ****** ********** *** ****** ***** button ***** *** ******** *** ******* to display ***** ********** ********* on ******** ******* Pinterest ** the other platformsQuestion ********* **** ** **** ****** *** ******** ************ ********** *** ** a ******** for ******** *** the *********** ************ *** ************ **** *** ********* (Chen *** ******** **** p **** The ******** ************ ********** software *** ***** * *** ** ******** for ******** ********* ********** in the ***** process ********** need ** manage ********* ************* and existing ********* with ***** **** This is * strategy **** ** **** ********* and should ** carried out ***** CRM There *** ********* **** *** ********* ******** ***** ****** ****** *** implementing the ******* ************ ********** ****** *** **** ******** the following *** *** ******* *** **** know *** ********* *** ******** *** compare **** **** **** *** ********** needs to ***** *** ****** ***** ** ***** is *** ************* of *** company’s team *** **** *** ************ needsThe functionality **** ****** ******* ******* ****** *** ** ******** *** contacts **** ****** and **** ******** **** *** ******* that **** *** business ** ****** also quantify *** ************* **** *** sales **** *** **** *** ********* *** ********** also ****** *** ******** ** ********* *** **** ******* ***** ** **** allows *** user ** **** reports ** statistics ** *** company ** *** a customized **** screen that ** **** ** *** ** ****** anything *** ***** ******** ** that it ****** ****** ***** ********* ** analysing *** **** **** ** *** **** *** ** also *** *** ******* ** automate ******* ***** ** *** ***** **** the ********** the ***** ** s able ** ******* **** ***** ** putting ******** people ******* ***** collaboration *** ******* ** ******** ** increase its ********** ******* ********* ******** and approvalsThe ******** ******** ** *** ******** of *** ********** ******** ** *** web ****** This *** networked computers **** the **** clients connect ** **** **** ******** ******* responses *** **** ***** **** **** to clients *** ****** ** ****** ******* ** ** easy ** *** *** ****** ***** **** are ***************** ****** is ******* ******** issues **** *** involve ** an ********* ******** **** ************** ** ******* attacks: these ******* have * purpose of making *** ****** *********** ** *** customers ** there is *** **** ** down time ** *** company ** ***** have * devastating ****** * *** *********** ******** profitTheft of ************ ************ * commerce business is ******** ** **** any *********** ***** ***** ******** they deals **** Attacker *** break in *** steal **** *********** **** ***** ** **** *** ********** ** the ******** *** * problem with the product *** need * ************** ******** ******** *** **** **** loss *** ***** ** **** ******* **** ****** *** ********* **** ***** ***** a **** negative ****** on the business ******** **** *** Collins 2003 p132)The *************** *** *** ***** ******** *** *** ******* *** *** be ****** ****** for the ****** ** ******* ******* *** ******* ****** ****** *** *********** ********** department ** ***** for such a problem These ******* *** intrude ***** **** and **** **** **** working should ** ***** with *** *** department should reduce the ****** ** **** time if ***** ** ******** ** ************ information ** a **** *** crime of ******* ********* *** security ** *** ******** ********** *** *********** should ** ****** protected *** **** ****** ** to ***** ********* **** recommendation ** **** the ******* should install *** **** **** malware ******** to *** *** ********* ** as to prevent *** malware attacksQuestion *********** ** ** ****** business’ **** ************* *** target customer ** ******** proportional ** the ******* of *** ecommerce business There are **** **** **** *** **** to segment the *********** **** ********* *** ********** location ***** *** ******** *** spending habits ** *** ** *** *** ** ************ *** segmentation The ********* *** tastes of ********* ***** is ******* **** ********* demographic ****** **** best practices *** ******** **** ** *** ******** *** ***** ************ feeling ***** the *********** *** forgetting *** familiarity with ********** ***** are ********* ******* ** ****** **** dealing **** **** *********** ***** (Lieber and ******** **** ******** **** ********* ********* strategies ************** the **** for **** ** *** and ****** ******* ** always *** ***** **** **** ******** ** ecommerce ******** It ****** ** ******* that *** page **** times are ** **** ** possibleEmail blast and newsletters are * **** *** ** ****** the **** about *** ***** ********** *** *** ******* ******* online sites ****** ** ********* ** *** ******** ***** ****** *********** ** *** ********* ******** **** will ******** the ********* ********* ******** *** ******** *** ****** of ********* purchasing online ******* *** ******** **** ************ way ** ********** **** ***** ******** owners *** **** ************* ******** This cross-promote opportunities **** other companies Marketing through ***** ****** **** still **** *** target of getting *** ******** ** **** ***** your ******* ************** ***** ** the ***** hand ** **** ** ********* ** *** ******** ** placing ads ** *** platform **** ***** most ****** on *** ******** to **** into contact **** *** **** **** builds ********* to *** customers ********** **** the ***** ** ****** friendly It’s *** of the **** ********* ********** ***** almost **** *** every ****** ** ** ****** media ************* marketing ** ******* *** ** ****** *** ********* business **** marketing ******* *** needs * network **** ***** ***** ********** ***** ********* exposure *** ******** ***** customers *** **** local businesses ** **** **** ********** flier ** **** in ****** ********** areas **** will ********* **** ******* **** **** *** increase *** number ** ******* ********* ************ marketing ** ****** being ******* ** *** the channels ***** the ********* are ******** ** *** ********* *** the channels to complete purchasesQuestion 10There are ******* ****** **** *** ********* ******* *** ** *** *** ******** *** ********** draws *********** ** how *** ******** *** *** site using login files ********* ***** individual’s movement through ******** software *** ****** ******** The ******** ******* ** ****** ** *** personal’s ******** **** **** *** *** **** *** ******** ******** the ******* the ******** ***** ** **** *** **** 2008p5)Privacy ** another ******* ***** **** ********** ******* ******* **** *** ******** of *** ****** ** ********* ***** it ********* ** ******* *** ******** ** *** ******** *** ******* ***** is ******* ** the ********* *** ******* **** is ******** ********** **** brokers *** ********* and *** brokers ******* *** *** ******* ** *********************** *** **************** is another ******* ***** ************** ** *** ** *** **** *********** ****** ** *** ecommerce ******** that ****** **** ** *** losses The jobs **** *** ******** ** *** ************** **** ******** and ********* *********** *** also ***** ***** services **** as ************* **** **** are ***** in the ********* ********* *** many **** ** the ********* ******** ***** *** ****** ***** **** every state *** * different expectation *** ********* **** ** ***** to ***** *** *** ** ***** *** research and ********** *** ****** ************* law is *** ******* ** gateways When *** ** ******* *** ******* gateways one ****** ask if **** **** limitation ****** ******* *********** ***** *** ** on ********** ******* *** ********** ***** ******* ****** ** ********** but not **** strictly though *** ****** ***** ** make sure *** *** *** ********** on ***** ****** ************* ****** law ** ** shipping restrictions **** ******** companies ******* ******** ******** ***** *** **** should ** *** **** ************* *** ***** **** are ** *** inventory *** restrictions ******** insurance ******** *** ******* *** lastly *** ****************** ************ According to *** research ********* ******** ** **** good ***** ** ***** *** business ****** and ****** since *** ********* of ************** ** **** **** *** it ** **** ** find ******** there ** ** theoretical or geographical ********** since the ******** *** ** **** **** any ***** as *** ** there ** ******** ********** ** *** ecommerce ******** *** ****** *** ******* of ***** ** **** ** *** **** *** business ** easy ** start *** ****** ***** is ** **** ** ******* *** ups ** **** ******** *** customers ****** ******** **** many ********* without ****** ************** ****** **** ********** ** the **** ******** ** ***** *** *** ***** ******* *** ***** are ******** associated **** *** ******** ***** ****** *** start *** business *** there may be *** intentions ***** ** **** no guarantee ** the *********** ******* ********** failures *** **** ****** *** whole ******* and there *** **** ******* *** **** who *** ******* for ************* **** ***** the ********** ******** **** ******* *** ******* ******** ***** ** ****** ** the ******* Lastly an ********* ********* the ********** *** hence *** ** ********** one ** *** **** businesses ** ***** when ******* to provide ******* ********************************************** * *** **** * **** ******* ******* and Assurance: **** Gender ********* ****** ***************** ******** *********** ******** ** Human *********** Theories ** ***** ********** ******** E *** ******** * **** ****** ****** ******* competitionOxford ******** of *** ******* ******* **************** ** **** * *** ******* D **** ****** e-commerce: * ********* *** ************* *** ********** *** trust ****************** ********** ***** Computer Security11(3) ************* ** *** ******** K **** ************* ******** ************ ********** ***** People ******* and ****************** ******* ********** *********** ******************** * ******* Y ******** *** and Ferreira *** **** Business ***** *********** A ******** for *********** **** ******** *** challengersAfrican ******* ** business ************** *********** N and ******* * 2007SWOT ********* **** *********** and * practical approach(pp **** **** ******************

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