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Description and Instructions The final reaction paper includes two parts: Part A Part A includes units 8, 9, and 10. Select one topic per unit. NOTE: Your professor could select the topics instead.You


Patrick, S. and Samuel, J.  (2011). Memory Processes. In Sanderson, C. A., & Huffman, K. (2017). Real world psychology (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.Description and Instructions.

Chapter names: Unit 8 = Gender and human sexuality

                              Unit 9 = Pyschological disorders

                               Unit 10 = Therapy

Choose topics from these chapters.

The final reaction paper includes two parts:

Part A

  1. Part A includes units 8, 9, and 10. Select one topic per unit.
  2. Your chosen topics must relate directly to the course materials.
  3. After you have chosen your topics for units 8, 9, and 10, develop your reflection by asking yourself the following questions for each unit/topic:
    1. Why is the topic relevant to you?
    2. What was new to you about the topic?
    3. Do you disagree with the author? Why?
    4. Do you agree with the author? Why?
    5. Describe an experience that you or a friend of yours has had that directly relates to the topic. How does it relate?

Part B

Part B of your final reaction paper offers you the opportunity to develop your critical thinking by exploring the possible relationships among apparently unrelated topics.

  1. From the 10 main themes of the course, select three to analyze more closely using the following framework:
  2. Based on the framework above, answer the following questions:
    1. What relationship can you identify between theme A and theme B?
    2. What relationship can you identify between theme B and theme C?
    3. What relationship can you identify between theme C and theme A?
    4. What relationship can you establish among the three themes (A, B, and C)?
    5. Is this relationship that you have established in agreement or in disagreement with what was discussed throughout the course? Why?
    6. Describe the idea/evidence in the course theme that you are questioning. Indicate why you agree or disagree with it. What kinds of evidence, experiences, or thoughts lead you to agree or disagree?
    7. Based on the relationship that you have established among the three themes selected,

Ask yourself: How could this idea/evidence be used in your own personal or professional life? Make sure to be as specific as possible when discussing how you could apply this idea/evidence to your life.

Submission Requirements

  • Follow the APA style, and format your document according to submission guidelines.
  • Format: Title Page/Body/Reference List
  • Font: Times New Roman, 12-point, double-spaced
  • Headings: Appropriate use of levels of headings and page numbers
  • Length: 2500 words (plus or minus 100 words)
  • Resources: In addition to the text, you must also use a minimum of six (6) peer-reviewed articles from scholarly journals. Additionally, you can use credible newspapers, websites, and magazines as sources. You must properly cite all the sources you use in APA style (author-date) and include a reference page at the end, properly formatted in APA style. Your reference page should include only sources that you cite within your paper.
  • Your reflection papers must be properly edited and proofread.
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************* REACTION PAPERNAME:INSTITUTIONCOURSE ************ TITLE:INSTRUCTOR’S NAME:DUE *********************************** ****** back ** *** *********** shared *** ** ************ *** ***** related ** how ***** *** *** *** ***** *** **** **** ** behave Unlike 'sex' ***** ****** back ** the organic *** ************* traits **** ******* women and *** ****** ****** **** ** *** socially ***** ***** ********* ********** *** attributes which are ******** ** women and *** ** *** given society ***** ************ ****** ******** however *** ****** ***** built *** ********* thru ****** ************* *** economic *** ********* ******** ********************* ********* *** ** associated **** ********** ******* ****** psychosis ***** and **** **** *** ***** ** ******** and ****** human ****** *********** Psychological ********* are ********* an *********** ******* ** *** ******* ****** **** view themselves as *** ******* ** derision ** *********** a ****** ******** **** ***** friends ** *** ***** ******* ** a psychological ******** This ***** ********* from ***** ************* ** *** reason and genuine ******* ** *** ****** * *********** number ** *** very individuals **** ** ******* *** ******* part of *** *** grumbling ***** ****** **** **** ************* ********* might ******* ********** *** ***** *** of behaving ************* all ****** considered ************* disorders *** ** ************ patter ** ************** ********** ** ********** **** *** freak *********** *** broken" Deviancy ** ************* ** ***** *** quite *** **** ** others *** ***** **** way ** **** I decided to ***** **** psychological disorders since * ***** **** *** idea of various characters and what ** ******* *** ******** ** ******** ******** 2013) ****** * chose to go with ********* *** orientation ***** sexuality ** ********* **** ** as a ***** ****** **** consistently ********* *********** what *** ******** ** In ********** I ***** ** go **** ******** and ********* ***** ****** ** ************ something **** ** ** ******* ***** *** *** ****** with ****** intriguing to ** about the **** ** ************* ********* ** **** ** **** **** ********* ***** *** *********** ********* ********* that ***** ******* ******** ************** ** * shape ** ****** ****** ****** ********* emotional ****** *** intellectual fitness ******** Provided through any ** ****** ** ******** ************* ************* psychologists ****** ******* ** ********* ********** it ******** ********** *** ******* ********** into ********** ***** and ******** ********** ******* *********** couples or *********** *** ****** *********** ** ****** disorders *** among *** **** ********** *** ****** ******** ** ********** For ******* differences ***** ********* prevalence ************** risk ******* *********** ******* or ****** **** ** is **** ***** **** women **** * ****** ******** ********** of mood or anxiety disorders **** *** ** later ***** ** ************* ********* *** ** still do *** understand *** ****** ** ***** *********** and ************* ****** ******** *** **** **** to ******* ******** **** of ******** ** more **** surprising since ************ of these findings could **** us ********* ******** **** ************ *** pathogenetic ********** of ***** ****** ********* ** ******* ** *** same **** **** ***** most ****** ******* our *********** ********** *** **** ***** and *** **** Lancet ********** ******* ****** Health Series ***** ** **** **** ********* on *************** issues ******** ** ****** ********* *** an ************ ******* ** *** **** of ******* ** this area *** gender *** in ********** has been ******** * ******** ********* **** ******* **** ** *** ********* ** *** ******** women's ******* hypothalamic pituitary ******* axis ******** ** ****** ****** *** ******* ***** *********** and a ****** tendency for **** ***** and ********** ****** ***** of interpersonal ********* *********** ******** ********* sexual ***** *** on * ******** ***** **** ** ****** ******** and ***************** ** *** ** ***** ******** **** many ******* **** *** **** ***** to increase the **** for ********** *** **** ********* in ***** *** ***** therefore ********** to ***** ****** depression rate * ******* ****** *** ****** ** *** ********** ** ******* trauma-related *** ************** ********* In ***** ****** * ***** to **** ************ *** **** gap ******** on *** ********* **** ** *** *** hormones oestradiol and ************ **** ******** that ***** might ** **** ********** ** ***** ********* ******* ** ***** ******* monthly *** ********* fluctuations ** ***** ******** ***** ********* cannot **** ****** ***************** *** neurosteroids *** **** ********* ********* and ********** ********* for *** gender *** in ***** disordersA further ****** ****** ******* ********* psychosocial explanations One ** *** **** ********* ************ risk ******* *** ****** ********* ** women namely ************ ******** ** covered ** a ****** ******** ***** They clearly **** **** ***** **** **** ***** **** men ********** ********* forms of gender-based violence *** **** this ********** ** ********** **** an increased ********** ** post-traumatic ****** ******* and ********** disorders ** ***** ******* **** ******** **** ** taken **** more ********* ** the ********* *** ********* of women with ****** illnessit's ***** excessive time *** * ***** ** ******** *** ******* Research psychiatric ******** *** exercise **** **** **** account intercourse *** gender ******** * **** **** ***** ******** **************** consultant ******* ** sufferers **** ** ****** ************** ** ******* ***** legitimate *********** on ****** ****** variations ****** can *** ** assessed in ******* ** ************ *** causal ******** ****** *** *** ** ***** **** *************** ******** **** multilevel ***************** ******* ************* *********** (biology) *** ****** ************* *********** factors) **** ** **** **** ******* are wanted ** ****** variations ** contamination ******** ****** ************ *** ********** ** ******** to ** intercourse-precise ******** ** ****************** hormonal ********* ** ************* ************* Also * ****** overlooked problem ** *** ***** of ladies in healing ************* Last ******* *** ** longer ***** *** ********* ******* **** ** ****** ********** *** shape of ******** articles in ******* ***** journals *** *** ** ****** ******** ** ****** ****** ** ladies’ intellectual ******* focus ** ******** and sexual ******** *** **** ******* ***** trafficking ****** ******* ********** ****** and early ******** *** honor ****** ******** violence *** abuse *** ********** ** ** ********** of ***** inequalities ******* *** *** ***** **** **** of ***** inequalities exist and can **** ****** **** ********* ******* ****** ****** **** ** ****** role ************** *** ****** ********** or simple discrimination ** the ********* ** ****** ************ careers *** would certainly ******* ***** ******** ***** ** **** ****** ********* ************* psychoses **** * ***** ** *** potential ********* ** *** ****************************** axis **** ** these ********* ** ********* incidence *** **** shown in ******* of *** ********** ************** **** ***** **** ************* **** ** *** ********* ********* ***** ********** ********** deficiency *** ******* *********** ***** ***** **** *** **** ** ********* **** *** ***** ** *** ** ************** hyperprolactinemia As ****** ** *** *** ****** in **** ****** ****** ****** ******** ***** ignores sex *** ****** *********** as **** as *** ********* **** ******* and ********** ******* ** **** ***** *** men I ****** on **** ******* and *** consequences *** ************* *********** ********* ****** pathways and ********* responses ** ***** *** *** *** **** ********** ********** ******** *** also fails ** ******* **************** ************* ************ ** ***** sexuality ***** ****** counselor ******** applications ******* ************ ******* ********** ********* ************* to **** **** *** sexuality-associated ********* of **** customers’ ********** ********** **** *** the ********** ******* *** use ** ******** **** the ******** *********** ** ********* Educators *********** and ********** ******** ******** ** ***** ********* counseling competency domain names ** ******** ********** in ********* greater ************ and comprehensively with ********* ***** domain names are ******************** ********* History *** ******* Anatomy/Physiology ****** ******** Sexual *********** ******** *** ************* ************* ******** and Sexual Lifestyles ****** Functioning ************** ******* and ****** ******************** ************ *** mentioned *** consist ** ******* forward case conceptualization *** growing counselor ********** ************* *** ******* ******* *** provided ** **** ****** ** ********* ******** *** ********* ************ counselor ******** ************ **** hardly ever ********* ***** sexuality ********** ** ******* ******** with the ******* for ************* of *********** *** ******* *********** ******** ******** *** ** ****** ****** requiring ********** ******** applications to consist ** ***** ********* coursework amongst *** 8 ******* *** ******* ***** ****** ***** **** soreness with ******************** ******** *** **** ********* ** * *** unusual ***** ***** *** ********** * latest ***** * **** ** ***** **** 1/2 ** *** ******* specialists ******* ********** **** ************* ******* ******** ** ************ ********** of clinicians’ loss ** ********* *** shortage ** consolation ******* ** ********** * *********** *********** ******* ****** ******** ******** ******* ********* ** search *** physiological reasons and ******** *** ******* **** ********* **** mental ********* Before ********** can ***** ** ********* ********** in ********** sexuality-associated ******** **** **** ** ***** set up * *********** **** the ********* ****** ** **** *** ability ** ************* ***** ************* dialogue ** intercourse with *** ** woman ********* *** ** institutional ************ desensitization system ***** ******* *********** ********** ** * myriad ** sexual ********* ***** attitudes *** ********** as * *********** **** *** them ** ******** ***** values ********** ********* ****** Attitude Reassessment seminars ****** *** one ****** ******* ***** to attain this ********* the ***** ** **** ********* ** *********** counselors **** ************ ** ****** stimuli ** make counselors greater ******** ** *** spectrum ** ****** ********* to **** ********** ** not ****** ******* ******* of **** ** ************* ****** ******** *** to **** counselors ******** that ******* ******** private ****** ****** ****** ****** *** ******** ******************** ******** Counselors attending a SAR *** ** ********* ** ***** protecting ******* sexuality-associated ******** *** masturbation heterosexual and *** intercourse ****** ************** ***** ******** ********* transmitted ********** ****** sadism/masochism fetishes) *** interact ** *********** *********** approximately ***** private ************* ****** to *** *** *********** ** * *********** ********* **** includes ****** ********* ******** **** ***** ********* ****** ** a continuum *** **** ************ ********* ** *********** *** socially *********** *********** to ******** ** human conduct ** a ********* of the ********** ********** *** may **** ******** ***** sexuality ** counselors *** supplied *** ****** education *** ******** Association ** ********* Educators Counsellors *** Therapists ******** is the biggest country-wide ***** ********** ********** ** intercourse ********** withinside the ****** States *** ***** for **** ********** ** attend a *** ** * **** of *** certificationNot *** ********** ******* ********* ** ********** ** intercourse ******* It *** ** ****** that ** ************** ********** *************** *** **** perpetuate *** belief **** sexuality is * ***** situation in *** *************** care of different ********** Promoting the ***** ********* competency of all ********** ******* ******** ***** be ********* ** ***** **** **** this **** ** ****** ***** ** ********* *** ********* post-licensure training ********* and ********* *** ****** certification counselors need to **** ********* ******** ********** *** ******** ** ********* ****** ***** customers’ ***** *** ***** distress **** ********* * ************ ******* *** ********* counselors in ***** ************ ****** *********** ************* ****** ***** ********* Dealing with ********* in ************* ****** Dysfunctions *** their Treatment5) ****** ************* such **** set the ***** *** *** *********** ***** of ***** ********* ********** competencies ************* ******* ****** has **** ******** ** improve this ******************** ************ referred to as talk therapy ** * **** of ************ ******* ****** ****** ********** **** **** ** my *** ** **** ********* ** **** **** intellectual disorders ****** a ************* ******* *** ***** to * medical ****** ** ** authorized intellectual ******* **** ****** ** become ***** ** and ********* ********* thoughtsBenefits ** ************* ****** ***** ****** with ** intellectual ******* ** ********** *** behaviors ******** and thoughts **** **** * ************ ** their ********* *** discover **** ** ***** **** ********** and ****** aware of the ********** ******** ** ****** like *** **** infection * loss of **** ********** the *** ****** of ********* a **** ** * *** or * divorce **** **** * ************ ** ***** infection *** assist **** to apprehend which ********** ** ***** ******** ******* be ******* ** ***** ** ** ******* ****** ** ********** ** ************ *** ************ ** ********** Learn ********* ****** strategies *** ************** skills Types of ************** *** ** ***** in * lot ** ******* ********* *********** **** remedy ******* **** *** ******** ****** and the therapist ****** *** ** extra sufferers *** **** take **** ** the remedy ** an ***** **** ******** *** capable ** ********** ******* *** ********* **** ***** ***** *** ***** ****** *** feature *** *** equal ******** Marital/couples: **** **** of ****** allows ******* *** companions ** ********* why ***** ********* *** *** ** ************ disease **** *********** ** communique *** behaviors *** ****** *** what they can ** ** **** This **** ** ****** **** can be **** ** ****** * **** who ** suffering **** ********** ** their relationshipFamily: ******* *** circle ** ********* ** a key part ** the ***** that allows ***** ****** with the intellectual ********* *** better it's *** ************ ****** *** own ****** ** ********* ************ to apprehend what ***** cherished *** **** ******* how **** *** **** *** **** they can ** ** ****** Approaches to ******* ************* can deal with * huge ******* ** ************ disorders ******************** ******* ******* ******* ******** ******* *** ********* ********* ********* Posttraumatic ******** ******* (PTSD) ************* ********** Personality ********* ************* *** ****** ************** *** ********* emotions *** ******** **** can be ** *** **** of your ********* and *** way ** ********* them ******** the ********** ****** ***** include ** ********* ******* or ***** **** ****** **** *** ** at *** ********** ** **** troubles Regain ** ********** ** manipulating *** ************ ** ********** ***** wholesome ********** to deal with troubles ***** the way to ********* **** ****** ** ***** ********* ********* psychotherapy *** ** * ******** ***** ****** *** ************ ********* *** *** **** of ***** ****** ** ********* ** speak remedy and ******** *** match ************************ ********** **** ******* ******* ******* *** ***** of *** emotional ********** ******* on *** ***** or **** ***** ******* ****** ****** ***** Services ***** **** the *** ** life ** *** singular looking *** **** ** **** of *** actual ********* social ********* ******* * critical **** in *** ********** and *********** ** ***** ********** ****** *** ************* ** *** side ******* ** **** the clinician *** *** patient person adapting ****** and ****** *** suitable ********* plans Taking into ******* **** the *********** has **** ******* the ******* ********** *** **** 40 ***** ** is genuinely ********* to *** **** the ***** ** River ***** *********** **** they are ****** *** *** ************* ** * **** range of ********* ******** ** which *** ************ *** ** ** ********** ** the ******** care **** ***** ******* *** ******* of *** keep an ********* comprehension ** ******* contrasts when diagnosing and ******** their patients               ReferencesAmerican Psychiatric *********** ****** ********** ********* ** Diagnostic *** *********** ****** ** ****** disorders (5th *** Retrieved from:http://dsmpsychiatryonlineorgcontentproxyphoenixedu/doi/full/101176/appibooks97 ******************************* * & ******* * ***** ****** ********* ********* ********* ******* ** new ****** data *** ******* *********** ************** ********* from http://jacksonvillecom/news/metro/2011-03-18/story/diversity-dominates-northeastflorida-new-census-dataNemade PhD R ****** Reiss *** * ***** ******* *** * (2013) ********* ** ********** * ******* of culture ********* **** ******************************* ************************************************************************* ** *** ******* ******* **** Center for ****** ****** ******** **** & ******** ********* of ****** ****** **** ****** Chapter 2 ******* counts: *** ********* of ******* *** ******* ** ****** ****** ** ****** ******* culture **** *** ethnicity: * supplement ** mental health: * report ** the ******* ******* Retrieved **** ******************************************** ****** ***** ******** ****** ********** ******** Restoring *********** ********* **** **********************

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