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Description Deliverable Length: 2-3 pages Read a quantitative article in a peer-reviewed journal in the area of public administration or public policy that uses data collection to test some hypothesis
Description Deliverable Length: 2-3 pages
Read a quantitative article in a peer-reviewed journal in the area of public administration or public policy that uses data collection to test some hypothesis. Organize your paper with each of the following sections clearly numbered:
- Give the bibliographic citation for the article.
- Succinctly state the hypothesis or hypotheses being tested.
- List and briefly describe the dependent and independent variables.
- What theoretical basis or conceptual framework does the author utilize in framing an understanding of the problem or issue? Explain your answer.
- Briefly describe the data collection and analysis procedures.
- What are the inherent, pre-existent biases in the author’s approach?
- What is your overall evaluation of the study? What are the weak areas? What are the strong areas?
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****** *** FILE VIA **** BELOWhttps://wwwmediafirecom/file/rhs0wbte9bfjyxd/Estimating+a+national+energy+security+index+in+Mexicodocx/file Estimating * ******** Energy ******** Index ** ************* ***************************** a ******** ****** ******** Index in ************* * * Segovia M * * & ****** L * R ****** ********** * national ************** ***** ** Mexico: * ************ ******** *** ****** policy ************ ************** ******* ** **************** state *** ********** ** hypotheses being ********* ********** ***** *********** is **** *** ******** ********** policy ** ****** ************* *** levels ** ******** Electric ******** * ******** ****** ******** ***** (NESI) isestimated for ******** **** ** ***** **** **** to **** **** ******* of this energy source ***** ********* ** **** ** *** ********** ******** ************ (AV) applicability ***************** **** *** ************* ******** *** ******* ******** *** dependent *** *********** ************ National Energy ******** ***** ****** ** * ********* ******** *** **** NESIdimensions—availability **** ************* (AP) ************* **** *** *********************** *** *********** variables ******** variables **** ** those ******* ** powergeneration *********** ******* ******* prices and ********* are **** to estimate thesedimensionsWhat *********** ***** ** ********** ********* does *** ****** ******* ** ******* *************** ** the problem ** ****** ******* **** ********* *********** ****** takes ** a thorough ****** security perspective and utilizes ** ******** *** ***** ***** industry This ********* ********* ********* energy security componentslike international ********* specialized *********** *** ********* steadiness The examinationexpects to **** * ******** ****** *** *** ************* ** the ****** ******** ********** ************* ***** **** ************ Amid various challenges *** ********* ***************** *********** ************* ******** ********** ** ******* **** ****************** ** **** a ****** *** ***** ****** supply ************ *** ********* ** ********* ****************** ******** *** data ********** *** ******** ************* ************* ******** *********** **** **** to **** **** *** ****** EnergyOrganization ***** *** World Bank *** *** ******* Energy ******* ******* **** ********* *** ******** ******** ********* different measurable ********** **** elucidating insightsconnection *********** and relapse investigation A **** ******** ************* of *********** *** causes *********** ************** ************* ****** *** ***** period was *************** ** ***** ********** ***** ********* ********** ** *** *********** information ******** connections *** ******** ****** *** ****** ******** *** *** ******** ************ ****** in the author’s approach?The author's ******** ** based on *** complicated and ******* **** ** ****** ************** security *** no ************ ********** *** **** ************ may **** varyinginterpretations ** **** it ***** ** a result the ******** may be ****** because the ******* mayneed to ** correctly *********** due ** the **************** ********* on ****** ************ ** your ******* evaluation ** *** ****** **** are *** weak areas? What are ********* ********* methodology ** *** ***** is sound *** the ******* is ********* *** ****************** ***** *** information ** *** **************** national ********** ******** *** ****** *********** ***** is ******* *********** ** *** ************** ************* *** availability ** **** ****************** on *** ************* *** **** ******* **** ** *** ***** *** **** ******** ***************** and ******* the ********* ** ********* ways **** *** ***** **** *************** andmake ** challenging ** ******* study ******* The *********** ** the study is sound *** ********** ** ********* *** ********** ******** ***** *** information on how **************** ****************** ******** *** policy ********