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Develop a detailed paper applying Porter’s Five Forces Model to the American automotive industry. Your paper needs to include at least three scholarly sources, i.e. peer reviewed articles. I strongl
Develop a detailed paper applying Porter’s Five Forces Model to the American automotive industry. Your paper needs to include at least three scholarly sources, i.e. peer reviewed articles. I strongly recommend the use of the APUS library for these sources, as most acceptable resources can only be found in protected databases. Your paper should be between 1750 and 2500 words, in APA format and structured as follows: 1. Cover page with a running head 2. Abstract 3. Introduction to the Auto Industry 3.1. Industry Definition 3.2. Industry Profile 3.3. Industry Structure 3.4. Future Outlook 4. Porter's Five Forces Strategy Analysis as it applies to the Auto Industry 4.1. Bargaining Power of Buyers 4.2. Bargaining Power of Suppliers 4.3. Competitive Rivalry in the Industry 4.4. Threat of New Entrants 4.5. Threat of Substitutes 5. Conclusion 6. References
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************ automotive ******************************* ********** industry2 Abstract *** ********** ******** ** *** ****** States ** ****** ************ **** *** *** **** ***** ****** *** ** the market share *** ******** automotive ******** *** **** ********* by Ford ******** *** ******* ****** for the ******* **** ******* **** *** ********* and *** ****** of ****** ************* the ******** is losing *** ****** ***** ************ *** globally The entry ** ******* competitors **** as ****** *** ***** *** ******* *** ********* ** *** ******** *************** ** **** ** its ******* This ***** focuses on *** ******** ********** industry ****** *** Porter’s Five Forces Model ********* * ************ The ******** Automotive Industry ***** ** 1890s and ******* ******* ******** By **** *** ***** vehicle ******** was ********* by General ****** Chrysler *** Ford companies *** Automotive ******** ** America *********** ******* ** *** economy of the ****** ****** The industry ***** **** *** US ******* ****** from *********** *** ******** domestic ********** and ******** ** employment According to a *** ****** released by ******** of ********** ************* the ******** ********* $ **** *** ********* *** supports **** 7 ******* jobs ** *** private ****** **** **** *** industry *** contributed ***** 4% of the Overall US ***** ******** ******* Notably for the **** ** ***** *** ******** *** **** faced **** ******** crises and ** **** *** ******** *********** ********* ******* *** the *** ***** US ************* ****** ****** ******** ********** & ***** ***** *********** **** *** ********** ************ *** ******** has ******** *** shown *********** growth **** **** General ****** *** ******** ****** the lead ********* **** Industry definition The ******** ********** ******** ********* ***** *** companies ****** with wholesaling retailing maintenance *** ********** ** ***** vehicles ***** ********* are involved ** ****** ***** ****** ********* **** *** ******* *** *** ******** Regular diction ******* the industry ** *** automobiles manufacturers’ ********** *** ******* ****** of ***** ********** refers to *** ******** ** *** automotive ******** *** the ******* ** analysis 32 ******** ******* The Automotive ******** has **** ********* ** **** General ****** *** ******** companies ***** *** referred to ** *** *** ***** **** the ***** *** ***** companies **** ******** nationally domestically as **** as ******** and **** absorbed various small ************* in *** ******** *** ******** major *********** include ****** Honda ****** *** ************ The ****** States automobile industry *** ****** ******* ** about $ **** ** 2012 ******* ****** *** ****** 20% ** ****** ***** Ford ***** *** *** ****** ***** *** ******** *** *** US ****** ***** ** *** ******** ********* *** ********* ** *** ******** is **** ** ** ************* ****** *** ******** ** controlled ** * few ************** *** of *** ******** ****** ** ********* by four companies ***** *** ** *** ****** is dominated by ***** firms The *** ***** ********* in ** ******* ** a ****** *********** *********** ***** ******* **** ** form mergers **** *** ************* automakers 34 Future ******* *** industry future ******** ** expansion ** its marketing overseas which will lead to ********* demand Manufacturing expansion ** other countries will **** *** ******** ****** *** ********* *** ************** ***** **** ** will ***** *** industry ** **** access ** ******* ******** at * low **** ********* ** *** CAR ****** *** sales of *** ******** *** bound ** increase from 2013 ** 2018 ** 128 * ******* ******* to enable *** ******** to remain *********** *** ******** ***** to ***** *** ************ ** **** in *** ********** *** manufacturing ******* ******* ******** ** the ******** ** *** *** ** ******** ******* that **** ****** *** ******** ****** ***** ***** ****** ******* ********** ************ ** ****** * ******* Five ****** ******** ******** ** industry *** **** *********** ****** which **** ** ********** ** industry ********* as well as evaluating *** ********* position ** ** ******** ****** ******* **** *** ***** ****** be ******* at ** ******** ***** in ***** ******* services or products are ******** *********** ***** ** ********** ***** ** Buyers ********* ** ***** **** ****** *** ****** bargaining ***** should not ** ** * position of overstating; ** *** ***** ***** ************* ** ******** ********* on customers nature Buyers ******* ******** ******* ** ******* returns ** *** **** of *** seller *** ****** ********** power in the ******** ********** industry ** ********** **** The ********* ******* ********** ***** *** ** ********** ** the ******** ** the *** three ********* ** *** ****** States which has *** ******** market share As * result *** buyers’ purchases **** ** *** ************ output *** **** are * *********** portion ** *** revenue ** *** ******** ******** the buyers **** * *** ********* cost ** case **** *** *** ***** *** reason *** the ****** ** *** ****** **** ********** ***** ** because *** ****** are *** Also *** buyers ** not **** *** power ** ********* backwards **** *** American automotive ******** ** **** ******** the cars **** * dealership However the rise ** ***** companies **** ** ****** **** the ****** ****** *** created *********** The ******** is ********** by * *** ************* and *** *********** **** ********** the ********** ***** of *** ******* ******** *** power ** *** ******** ** **** ********* ** the ******** prices **** *** **** ******** in *** ****** ****** ******* automobiles *** * ********* *** *** ****** have to **** **** *** ******* thus ******** *** ****** ********** power ********* the buyers **** ****** ******** ** *** ******** *** ** *** **** ******** ***** to influence the prices ** the ********** ******** 42 ********** ***** ** suppliers In *** ***** ****** points *** **** fewer suppliers **** ** **** a **** ********** ***** *** *** ******** **** ****** ** ******* ** **** suppliers ** the American ********** industry the suppliers **** *** ********** power ********** ********** requires *** use ** **** ***** ***** *** need ** many ********* The ********* ** many suppliers ** the ******** makes *** ********* ** have *** ********** power *** ********* of the ******** ******* dealers and ********* ** *********** components **** ** ***** ******* *** ***** *** ******** **** ******** ** ********** ******* ******** *** *** ********* ***** ******* ********** **** *** ******* ******** *** ************ of **** ********* ** the ******** enables *** ************* to easily switch ********* Having * *** ********** ***** *** suppliers have ** sell ***** raw ********* as **** ** ***** ******** ** a lower price *********** the ********* ** *** impose high ****** ** their components ** *** ******** *** ***** **** of suppliers ********* *** ******** ********** the ****** of the components *** *** ********* ******** ** *** ********* ***** *** ************* ** the ******** ************ *** ********* **** few ******* ** American ********** ******** ** ********* ** the *** ***** ********* *** ********* do *** **** other companies ** ****** their *** ********* and ********** at a ****** ***** ** Competitive ******* ** the ******** *** ******** ** other companies **** the industry *** led ** ******* competition ******* in *** industry ******* manufacturers **** ******* ************ their ********** ** ******* which *** **** *** ****** ***** of *** ******** ******* ** ******* *** ************ *********** **** ** compete ** non ******** ********** ***** *** led ** ******* *************** Further with *** trends **** ** ****** *** **** ********* versions *** ************* in *** ****** States **** **** comparative ********* ****** **** ****** ** * result consumers *** ****** ********* ** ***** ****** as *** switching ***** *** *** Notably *** *********** between **** ******* ****** *** ******** ***** ** profits ******** *** all *** rivalries ******* rivalry in *** ******** leads ** ********* *********** ***** ***** results ** low profits ***** ** oligopoly the ******** automotive ******** *** managed ** ****** *** *********** *********** ******* ************ the ******** has ******* *** *********** competition *** recently ********* **** ******* *** ****** based *********** which *** ****** ** ****** *** ********** customers44 Threat ** *** Entrants ** the ******** ********** ******** formation ** ******* ****** ********** as ******** ** *** ******** *** ** *** **** ***** ******** ** ***** into *** industry ******* **** the ***** *** ******** ***** ** ******** ********** ****** ** ******* *** **** ******* ********* ** **** and establish ***** ********** ****** ** *** ****** States *** instance ***** ***** Company *********** its ***** ***** in Ohio **** ****** ******* has ***** its production ***** ** ******* ********* Toyota Motor Sales *** *** * *** ****** ***** *** ** ** *** ****** ******* holder of *** sales of ****** ********** The ******** Honda ***** ******* *** * *** market ***** and ** the ***** ******* ****** ** the ***** ** ****** ********** *** ********* ** *********** *** **** ******** ************ ********** ****** *** capital *** *** ** *** **** ** *** ******** **** *** ******** ********** industry 45 ****** ** *********** ********* ** ****** (2008) threat ** substitutes ******* the ******* **** *** ******** ***** Less *********** in *** ******** ***** that ***** is ******* ****** ** *********** ***** high ************* ** *** firm *** ****** ***** *** ************* of an industry gets ********** when substitute ******** are ******* ** * lower ***** **** *** ********* **** ** * ******** ** low In the ******** ********** ******** ****** ** ********** *** not ***** as *** industry ** ****** ********* ** the *** ***** Despite ******* *********** ******** **** the ******** ****** ** *********** ** *** a ***** ******* at *** ****** *** ********** ******** ********* **** ******* ******** *** ****** manufacturers **** ******** ******* ** *********** *** ********** ***** *** ******* them ** ******* **** ********* ***** customer ******* ** well ** ***** ****** ** new *********** *** **** cost required ** *** ******** has **** ******* *** emergence ** *** *********** ******* **** ********** *********** ******** *** ******** automotive ******** ** bound ** ** ***** with *** **** of *** *********** Increased *********** **** **** to the **** of *** *********** which **** ****** *** industry’s market ***** *** ******* * ********** In conclusion *** ********** ******** ** ******* *** contributed ** *** ****** ** *** ****** ****** ******* ********** creation ********** *** ******* It is evident **** ***** ** ******* *********** *** **** *** ******** automotive industry *********** The competition *** **** *** ******** develop new ********** *** ******* *** *** ****** designs The domination of the big ***** in *** ******** *** **** *** ****** *** suppliers bargaining power ** ** low However **** increased competition *** ********* and *** buyers ********** power ** ********** ************ *** ******** ************* ** **** ** market ***** ** **** ******** ** *** ******** *** *********** ******* *********** ******* has reduced *** ************ ******* *** increased *** ******* costs ************ ********** of *** ******** and designs by ******* *********** has made *** consumers ** switch ** ***** ****** ***** *** industry low *********** advantage * *************** * ***** * Netessine * ***** ******** M ****** *** ****** of *** ******* ************ ** ***** ************ ** *** ***** American ********** ******** ********** ******* ****** ************ * * *********** * ***** *** * * ****** *********** *** ******* ********** by ** Automobile ************* ********** An ********** PerspectiveMoatti V *** C * ***** * & Dussauge * ****** ************* the *********** effects ** ********** and ********** power ** ********** ****** *********** ** empirical ************* ** *** global ****** industry ********* ********** Journal 36(5) *************** * * (2008) Competitive ********* ********** *** analyzing ********** *** *********** ***** and ******************** * * ****** Strategic ********** ********************** * ***** ***** * B (2013) ********* *** **** ***** Rise ** *** ******** ********** Industry ***** *** ********