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Directions: Using the online library, locate three articles, one quantitative, one qualitative, and one mixed-method related to your DPI topic. Create a comparison table, using correct APA formatting,
Using the online library, locate three articles, one quantitative, one qualitative, and one mixed-method related to your DPI topic.
Create a comparison table, using correct APA formatting, to describe the methodology and design used within each article. The table will be provided as an Appendix to the paper.
Write a 1,000 to 1,250 word paper discussing the different methodologies and designs used in each study.
Discuss the external and internal validity issues associated with each methodology and design.
1. Discuss the external and internal validity issues associated with each methodology and design.
2. Describe how using a different methodology or design might have been beneficial for each study and describe why.
3. Summarize the paper.
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*************** ** *** **** **** *** *** ******* ******* ******** ** to ******* * ********** ******* * sound ********* ** ******** *********** and ****** ** ********* for *** *** ** ******** and *** *** *********** methods *** ****** for *** specific ***** ******** *********** ******** the **** ******* ***** *** need to use to ******* ***** ******** ******** *********** can **** ** ********* ** *** ********** ********** **** ** ******** ****** ******* *** ******** *** information ***** *** ***** ** the ********** ******** *********** ****** *** **** ******* ***** the ********** ********** *** problem ********* *** objective and ******* the ****** **** the **** collected ****** *** ***** ******** *** ***** hand *** ******** ****** provides an *********** framework *** * ***** **** *** *********** *** ****** shows *** the research result ** the *** **** ** obtained ** meet *** objective of *** ***** ******* research methodologies ***** **** as ************ ************ *** *********** ******* There *** also ********* ***** of research designs ********** of *** method and ****** *** * ******** ***** each has *** ********* ******** *** ******** *** ******** ******** ****** ** this assignment the ***** **** *** previously designed PICOT question ** *** ****** of ******** ************* ********* ****** ********* ************* ********* on a mother's ******** to ********** *********** ** ****** three ******** *** ********** ******** ****** ** each ** *** ******** *** ********** **** ********* how using a ********* methodology or design ***** **** been ********** *** each ***** *** * ******* of *** ******* ******* learned ** *** ** *********** and ****** *** ********* in nursing researchLocation ** ***** ********** ***** *** ***** ******** ****** **** ******** ************* ********* versus ********* ************* ********* impact * ********** ******** ** *********** ************** *** three articles selected *** *** ************ *** *** qualitative and *** *** ************ *** ********* ** appendix 1The ******** and internal ******** ****** associated with each *********** and ******** *** ***** article ****** et ** (2016) ********* * ********** ****** ** ******** *** available ******** ********* the ******** ******* ** ************* *** ******* the most appropriate ******** ** ******* effective ************* Even ****** * systematic ****** can ** ****** ************ ** *********** ** **** ******** *** ****** **** * systematic *********** ****** With the ********** ****** ** ** ********** ** report absolute ******* *** **** ********* users ** generate ***** *** ********* ** **** ****** which result **** ******** validity ***** ************** ** ** ***** When ** ***** ** ****** *** ******** ***** of ******* ** ***** ** *** ********* used *** the ***** **** was ******* ** five ********* ***** **** ****** ****** ******* Google Scholar *** ******* direct *** **** contributing ** the ******** ******** ***** of ***** ****** **** ******** the inclusion ********* was the ******** published **** 1980 but such articles *** *** ***** old *** therefore *** *********** ******** ***** be ***************** ** *** ***** ********* by **** ** ** (2019) ** ********* *** ************ ******* ********* ************* ********* with ********* ******** and ********************** ******** Quasi-experimental ****** was used ***** ****************** *************** aspects ************* *** ********************** the ***** ** ********** ** **** **** * ***** ****** ******* * significant ******* with *** ****************** ***** ** **** randomization ** *** **** **** limits *** ******* ** *** study ** ******** * ****** association ******* the ************ *** *** outcome (Schweizer ***** ***** Milstone 2016) ***** *** **** be a **** of internal ******** particularly ********* **** ** *** case where *** ************ ***** ******* **** *** ******** ***** ***** ******** ******** issues ********** **** the ****************** ***** ******* maturation **** ********* ****** ********** **** *** *************** **** ********** ***** ***** ******** ***** ** *** ************ ***** ********* ** ***** ***** ****** ****** ** ****** *** ****** ** ********* ******* ** ***** ********** ** breastfeeding *** **** *** *********** *** ***** ** ************ ******** and ******** cross-sectional survey ******** ****** *** ********** ** ******* **** Based ** ************ research * ***** ******** ******** ****** ********** **** this type of research ****** ** maturation ********** ********* the ******* ************* ** psychological variations **** **** ***** as ****** age Instrumentation ***** have **** ****** ******** ******** ****** ******* the ******* ******** ******** by ******* *** ******* *** ***** ******** ********* to **************** ******* *** **** **** ******* ***** **** **** related ** *** ********** and *** *** *********** ******** (Schweizer Braun ***** ******** ***** Describe *** ***** a different *********** ** design ***** have **** ********** for **** ***** and ******** ***** the systematic review ** Burgio ** ** ****** *** ******** ****** could have **** improved by making ********* criteria ** ******** **** *** *** **** than *** ***** *** **** ** ** **** **** *** information ** up ** **** *********** the ********* could be increased ** ten and *** ****** broadens ** ***** ********* rather **** English ******** **** (Moller & ***** 2016) ** *** study ** **** et ** ****** quasi-experimental ****** *** used *** ***** was ************* *** **** ******* ** ********* **** An *********** *********** ***** have ********** ********** trials ****** ****** allocation ******* ********* **** ***** *** ********** ********** **** ******** *** ********** *********** ********* *** *********** ******* This makes ** possible *** any difference in *** ******** ******* *** intervention and control ***** to ** ********** ** the intervention in *** ***** (Handley et ** ***** Finally in *** study ** ***** & ****** ****** *** ****** ********* of ********* **** *** *** middle-income ********* and **** ***** not ** * ************** of *** ***** population because *** developed ********* **** not included *** *************** ***** should **** ******** *** developed ******* ** ****** *** ************** of the ***** population *** ** have ******** validity (Kesmodel ************ ** *** ******* * ********** review *** result ** based on the ******* ** *** studies ******** ** means that ** *** ***** ***** ** *** ******** ******* methodology **** **** **** can be *********** in *** ****** analysis ************ * systematic review ** more ******** **** ******* **** a single study and ****** the high form ** evidence ** **** *********** that *** **** experts to **** an agreement on *** best **** ** ********* The quasi-experimental ***** is ******* *********** **** encompasses * ***** ***** ** nonrandomized intervention studies *** ** **** ********* Quasi-experimental ******* *** ******* **** **** it is not ************ ******** or not ethical ** ********* * ********** ********** trial ******* survey ******** ** *** of *** ************ *********** that *** ******** polls ********** ** questionnaires When ********** *************** ****** ******** *** ************ ********** must ** ******* ** ****** ** ensure the ******** of the findings across * ****** spectrum ** the *********** ********* ***********