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Discuss the theoretical framework you think helps explains the topic i.e Machine Learning in Healthcare: Role of Machine Learning in Drug Discovery and Development in Pharmaceutical Research and probl
Discuss the theoretical framework you think helps explains the topic i.e Machine Learning in Healthcare: Role of Machine Learning in Drug Discovery and Development in Pharmaceutical Research and problem you will address in your dissertation. Remember, this will also be cited in the literature as well, so make sure to include scholarly resources from a peer reviewed journal.
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**** ********* is a **** ******* process On average ** ***** * ** ** years ** *********** * **** *** ***** ** ** ****** Even **** a **** ********** of ***** **** and effort *** ****** guarantee *** success of the drug ***** *** ******* ****** advances ** ******* learning help us ****** the ***** in **** **** of ******* The ******* ** *** thesis is ** ******* *** applications ** machine ******** ** *** ***** of biomedical ******** ** ** very ********** to use * ******* ******** ** ***** *** experiments ********* a ******* ******** ***** to ******* the ******* of ******** compounds ** *** ***** ** Caenorhabditis elegans *** ******** ***** *** **** Age ******** This ******** ******** ******** ** ********* Descriptors *** **** ******** In **** **** * new ******* ********* ****** is proposed *** ** efficient ************** task ***** ****** forests ** ******* *** benefits ** feature selection over ******** ******* vector ******** *** ****** network classifiers ****** another application of ******* ******** presented in the work ** the ********** of *********** ************ ***** *** ***************** ****** ******* ********** ******** drug-target ************ ****** *********** ** ********** ****** ********* *** ********** ************ ******************** *** ** ******* ******** by shopping-related ******** ***** **** **** recommendations ******* ** ******** activity ** an *********** ** machine learning ** ******** **** Other uses ** machine ******** ******* **** ********* ****** ***************** ******** ********** can ** ********** as ********** ************ semi-supervised ** ************* ******** ********** ******** ******** ********* ***** ** **** ** *** ******* ****** ** **** ***** **** ** ********* accurate *********** ****** the ******** ***** *** ******** ********* *** models **** must ** ******* ****** ******** *** ********* ** *** **** **** When ** ********** level ** *********** ** ******* learning *** ***** Supervised ******** ******** *** ** grouped **** ************** ** regression ******** * ************** problem ** *** ***** *** ****** ** a ********* ******** *** ******* into ********** or *********** ******** ** ********** we ******** *** groups inherent ** *** **** and ** *** *********** we try to ****** *** ***** *** ************* *** data ***** is also a *************** learning ****** ***** we **** an input and * **** of ** ** ******** The ****** ** ******* ********** is the ******** ** *** * ******** *** the label *** *** **** Logistic Regression: **** is * *********** ******** ****** *** analysing **** **** **** *** or more *********** ********* **** **** ********* the ******* Logistic ********** is * predictive analysis **** ** ******** **** ** explain *** ************ ******* * ****** variable and ***** independent variables ******* ****** ******** ** ********** *** ******** **** ** ****** ** model ** **** * ******** boundary ***** ********** *** amplitude between ******* ** **** *** ****** ******** **** ***** ** ** possibility to ******** ******** *** **** Neural ******** ** is * ************* ********** ********* ********** ** *********** ************** in **** ***** ** classify input **** The numerical value of *** ************** and ****** ****** ** the ***** ********** *** accuracyMachine learning ** drug ********** ******* ******** ******* **** **** **** ** drug ********* ***** **** ******* learning helps to understand complex ********** ******* ** ******** ** ** ******* them *** ******* ******** *** *** of different predictive ****** ** ******* speed ** drug ********* *** recently **** ********** ** **** **** ** ******** ********** **** ** different computational ******* ***** ** ** ****** ******* ** ********* **** pose greater ********** to chemists They help ******** analyse predict and model many ********** ********* to ****** ** ******** ****************************** * * ****** Application of ******* learning ** **** ********* (Doctoral ************************ * R ******** *** * ********* ****** ********** ******* ******** ********* link ********** ** ********* social ******** ** Advances in ****** ******** Analysisand ****** ******** **** ************* ********** ** ** 326–330 IEEGoodfellow * * ****** A ********* *** Y ****** ****** **** learning ****** * *** ***** *********