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Discussion A Questions 1.) Given her arthritis and limitations in physical activity, what coping strategies can the patient utilize to alleviate her anxiety and depression? 2.) Which antidepress

Discussion A Questions

1.)   Given her arthritis and limitations in physical activity, what coping strategies can the patient utilize to alleviate her anxiety and depression?

2.)   Which antidepressant do you believe works best for the elderly adults in your clinical judgment?

3.)   What are some things that can be implemented on community level to help for the smoother transition to retirement?

Discussion B was unable to upload but the questions are as following:

1. How do you balance the use of pharmacologic treatments with non-pharmacologic therapies such as CBT and DBT in managing a patient with both Major Depressive Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder? Discuss the benefits and potential challenges of the integrated approach.

2. Social determinants of health, such as community support and educational environment play a crucial role in mental health outcomes. How do you identify and address these factors. Share specific strategies or interventions that you have found effective in supporting patients' mental health beyond the clinical setting

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