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DISCUSSION What are some of the difficulties in providing services in an online environment? What factors differentiate the services sector from the retail sector, for example? Select a service firm o
What are some of the difficulties in providing services in an online environment? What factors differentiate the services sector from the retail sector, for example? Select a service firm on the internet and explain why you think they are successful (or unsuccessful).
To earn full credit, post an initial response of a minimum of 500 words that includes at least one APA citation and the associated reference
The immediate future is finding new ways for e-commerce and marketing to drive traffic and revenues. Let’s preview what’s in store:
- What is next for digital marketing in 2021?
- Shopping becomes personal and on-demand
- 7 Major Marketing Trends for 2021
- 4 Major Marketing Trends for 2021 and Beyond
Review the above mass-media articles and choose three directions/trends appealing to your sense as a marketer and consumer. Make sure you illustrate the three trends, in your notes, so you have a strong grasp of their natures and implications.
Goal. Using a 5-7 page APA-formatted essay, identify and describe the three trends and their implications. Afterward, discuss how they could be used to ethically drive e-commerce (sales and revenue) in a sector or company of your choosing.