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Do not use any data structures such as array or ArrayList to store the data. Use a String object to store the result. Incorporate "this" keyword in...
+ Drink()
+ Drink(String, String, double, int)
+ setDrinkName(String): void
+ getDrinkName(): String
+ setDrinkSize(String): void
+ getDrinkSize(): String
+ setPrice(double): void
+ getPrice(): double
+ setNumberOfOrder(int): void
+ getNumberOfOrder(): int
+ calculateOrderPrice(): double
+ toString(): String
3. (FastDriveThrough.java) Write menu-driven client program that uses the Entree and Drink classes to simulate food ordering service.
Sample run:
************** "Fast Drive Through" Menu **********
1 --- Purchase Entree:
Burger - $5.99
Pizza - $6.50
2 --- Purchase Drink:
Water - $1.25
Soda - $1.50(Add $0.75 for Super Size)
3 --- Check out (Print Receipt)
0 --- Exit
Select an option:
Enter Entree name (Burger or Pizza):
Enter the number of entrees:
You ordered
Entree: Burger
Entree Price: $5.99
Number of Entrees: 2
************** "Fast Drive Through" Menu **********
1 --- Purchase Entree:
Burger - $5.99
Pizza - $6.50
2 --- Purchase Drink:
Water - $1.25
Soda - $1.50(Add $0.75 for Super Size)
3 --- Check out (Print Receipt)
0 --- Exit
Select an option:
Enter Drink name (Water or Soda):
Size (Regular or Super):
Enter the number of drinks:
You ordered
Drink: Soda
Size: Super
Drink Price: $2.25
Number of Drinks: 1
************** "Fast Drive Through" Menu **********
1 --- Purchase Entree:
Burger - $5.99
Pizza - $6.50
2 --- Purchase Drink:
Water - $1.25
Soda - $1.50(Add $0.75 for Super Size)
3 --- Check out (Print Receipt)
0 --- Exit
Select an option:
Entree: Burger
Entree Price: $5.99
Number of Entrees: 2
Drink: Soda
Size: Super
Drink Price: $2.25
Number of Drinks: 1
Total price before tax: $14.23
Sales Tax Rate: 6.75%
Total price after tax: $15.19
************** "Fast Drive Through" Menu **********
1 --- Purchase Entree:
Burger - $5.99
Pizza - $6.50
2 --- Purchase Drink:
Water - $1.25
Soda - $1.50(Add $0.75 for Super Size)
3 --- Check out (Print Receipt)
0 --- Exit
Select an option: 0