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Do research on the implementation of two large software systems - one that was successful and one that failed. Write at least a 7-page Word document, double-spaced, detailing each system. Your paper M

Do research on the implementation of two large software systems - one that was successful and one that failed. Write at least a 7-page Word document, double-spaced, detailing each system. Your paper MUST provide the following: 1. An Introduction paragraph describing the assignment and a short description of the two systems selected and whether each was a success or a failure. 2. A Section that describes the first Software System (with an appropriate section Heading) and a description of that Software System to include: a. What is its purpose? b. What operations it performs? c. What are its inputs (resources, interfaces, when used)? d. What are its outputs (interfaces, data)? e. The system’s complexity/cost/feasibility. f. Any constraints or risks found during the research. 3. Five Sections (one to address the Analysis phase, another for the Design phase, another for the Development phase, another for the Implementation phase, and another for the Evaluation phase) with details on what your research discovered (with an appropriate section Heading for each of the five sections). Include any: a. Success or failures identified. b. Issues or findings identified. c. Recommendations or lessons learned. 4. Repeat #2 above for the second Software System. 5. Repeat #3 above for the second Software System. 6. Conclude with a Findings section the compares the two systems. Provide the following: a. What made one system successful but make the other system fail. b. What could have been done to make the failed system more successful. c. What could have been done to make the successful system even more successful. You must include at least 3 scholarly references with citations. Possible search keywords: Software and System Development Projects; ERP systems design (or Expert Systems design or Data Systems design or Information Systems design); Planning and Scheduling system design

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******** *********** *** ********************* ***************** AffiliationCourse CodeInstructor's ******** ** Submission  IntroductionIn ******** ******** ************** ** integrating *** ******** ******** ************ ** *** ********** ******** ********** ******** ************** ** ********* ** ** ****** businesses ** *********** ******* ******** ******** ********** thus ****** *** ******** ********** **** of *** Software *********** ***** ********** **** ******* to ****** ********** ***** ****** have ****** catastrophically during the ******** ************** ************ the ********* that ************ implemented ******** software *** Amazon ***** ************ developed ** *** ****** ***** ** *** Amazon web ******* ***** ****** implemented **** Software ** a ******* ****** which ******* the ********* ** interact with *** ******** when ********** ******** activities making *** company ********** ** *** ***** **** **** **** software implementation ** ******* ** *** system on *** ****** chain ***** it ***** up ******* and **** ************* $100 million ***** losing this ****** the company's ****** fell by *** ******* ************ a massive **** (Hustad ** ** *********** *** ***************** *** ********* ** ******* a **** ****** ***** ************** ***** allowed the ******** ** **** several web applications thus ****** **** successful This *** ********* ** businesses **** allowed ** ********** and ******** their ***** **** ****** **** ******************** performed by Amazon *** ********** ********* ******** ********** including ********* *********** ********** ** the ******** ********* building **** *** developing ******* ******** ********** *** building distributed applications **** ****** businesses **************** ********* by Amazon *** ************* *** ******* allowed multiple ****** ******* and protocols ********* CDI ***** supports ************ stream ** *** *** ***** **** *** ***** protocol ***** ******* * ****** ********** within *** HTTP ****** and **** which ******* ******* to communicate ***** an ********** **** an internal connection within the ******** *** ****** **** supported ***** communication ********* ********* ***** ********** ************** ****** *** ** *** ******** **** ******* RTP ******* ** communicate **** *** RTP ****** **** *** *** pushOutputs supported ** Amazon web ********** ******* **** ** ****** supported ** the *** service ** content ******** *** the ******* and **** *********** *** ** ********* by *********** ********** ******* **** making ** ** ********* ** *** ****** ** the ******** **** ******** access most hardware devices *** access amazon and ******** ******* *********** ***** ** ********* ** ******* ways ********* ** *** ***** of ** ********** ****** ** ** ******** ********** ** *** ************** *** ******* **** *** have * ******* **** *** *** customers; all ** requires is * valid ************ *** *** ********* ** enjoy *** ******** ******* ** the ******* Though * ******** ** ******** to *** *** *** company's ******** ***** is * **** trial and ******** *** customer ***** ****** does *** ***** *** ******** ** ** **** to cancel *** subscription The **** of *** ******** ******* ** what *** ********* **** **** *** web ******* *********** ** *** ******* *** ***** expensive ** it has **** ******** around $878 ******* ** maintain *** yearConstrains **** ********** *** ******** **** * *** ********** *** ******** ***** was ** ********** as I could access all *** ***** ** *********** * ****** *** I would ***** ******* about *** company from ***** ****** **** allowed ** to collect more information **** ******** *** ******** of *** researchThe ****** ****** successful ** the ******** *** *********** This ** ******* most of *** business ********* **** **** ** **** ********** ** *** Software ** ** *********** **** ******** **** ** ***** ** the ******** side of *** ******** ******** ********* ***** ***** ** *** ******* **** ****** *** ******** ********** ** **** ** the ******* ******** ****** ****** launched *** ******** ** ***** ********* *** billion ** **** *** ******** ******* successful Investing **** ****** was * **** ******** ** *** company ***** the **** ******** ********** **** allowed *** company ** ******* ** ********* cloud ********* ******** **** ****** ******** *** company ** ***** ******** **** ***** ** ********** for customers who owned ********** *** ***** want **** ** ** ********** **** ***** services Currently *** company is ********* **** ***** to **** the company ********** ******* et al ********* ******** ** ********* ** ******** **** ********** *** ********* ** succeed ** ****** ********* *** *** made *** ******* ***** ** *********** **** multiple *************** which *** ****** ** ****** the ******** ********** ***** *** ******** *** **** ******** for *** ** the ******** *** second lesson is **** **** focusing ** a ******* it must ** ******** **** *** its ************ ** ******** ***** ****** if all *** procedures are not followedAWS analysisDuring the Implementation ** ******** *** ******* *** **** ********* ******* ** cloud computing ******** which ******* the ****** ** *********** the ******* *** Secondly ***** the ******* ******* ****** ******** ******** ** ***** ********* ** *** easy to **** **** customers thus increasing its ****** *********** *** ******* *** *** **** used *** cloud ********* ** *** **** ********* *** ********** ******* and networking **** ********** ***** ***** services In the beginning Amazon *** **** at ******** * ******** to ********* who ******** **** than ***** ******** **** ***** marketing ********** *** ******* *** **** to gain more ********* **** making *** ******* ************* **** issue **** *** ******* *** that *** customers *** not want ** pay *** *** ********* ******** each month *** **** wanted *** to ******** *** ******** once in * ******** **** *** *** ********** ** the ******* ** some customers ********** *** ****** and **** ***** **** subscriptions ** the ******* *** company was ********* *** ********** ***** *** there *** a need *** *** ******* ** ****** the services ******* ** the programFor the ******* ** ****** *** ****** ** competition ** faces ** *** enhance *** ******** and ****** *** subscription *** ** ********* *** services **** customers *** ****** ** ***** ** *** ********** *** ******* ******* *** and **** will ** ******* ** subscribe ** *** company's ******** thus ******** **** ** ***** fast spending *********** the ******* can ***** ******** *** ********* lifetime ***** ******** **** ******** them ** keep ******** *** ******* Customers ******** *** ******* ********* *** ****** ** **** ******** ******** **** ***** ******** **** ****** **** ********** themDesign ** *** Amazon *** serviceAmazon *** ******* ******* ** *********** efficiency *********** **** ************ ******** and reliability ******** ****** ** ******** to accommodate **** **** *** web ******** ********** **** web ******* and ***** ********* **** the *********** ** information technology *** ******** *** **** required ** ******* *** ******** **** ******** ***** ** interact with all internet ******** from their homes ***************** *** ****** ** ******** ** ***** on performance and cost optimization Using ***** ********** the ******* **** ****** ******* **** customers **** increasing *** ****** and ****** ***** ****** *** ****** ************ ********** **** a good design thus keeping ***** ** *** ********************** of *** Amazon web serviceAmazon *** service ** ********* focusing ** **** of *** ********** *********** technology ***** ** activity **** *** hosting **** as *** ******* ** essential ** ********** ** ** ****** ********** ** **** ***** ******** across the ******** **** allowing **** ****** ** ******** **** **** Effective development ** ********* ** ** helps *** ******* ******* **** ***** ** *** ******* to be ************* *********** ** ******* *** it *** to ** ******* out strategically ** ** the project * *** **** developed it ** ****** ** **** to ******* ** the ******* ** ** recommended **** **** *** developers *** ************ ******** **** ****** ****** ** ******** the ******* ***** ** facilitate *********** between ********* *** *** usersImplementation ** the ****** *** serviceBefore ******** *** *********** at ****** *** ******* ** *** ** be ****** ***** ** ***** ** ********** **** ******* threats **** ***** ****** *** entire ********** ******** ******* is essential ** it ***** indicate *** ********* ******* on *** ****** ** ** is *** **** **** *************** it *** be ****** to *** **** stage ***** ** al 2018)Before ******** *** *********** ** ****** servers it *** ** ** ********* ** ****** ** *** as expected This ** **** ** ******* *************** **** *** ****** An ***** ************** on ************** ** **** *** ************ have ** ** ******** at * different server ** *** Software *** **** ** vulnerabilities ** ** ** *** **** *********** ** *** systemEvaluationAfter the ******** *** been introduced by *** ******* and *********** the ******* ****** ** check *** ********* ************* **** ******** ** essential as it ***** ** ensure **** *** ******* fulfils all *** ************* *** **** its scripts **** ** required ** *** program does *** ****** *** ************ it ** ****************** the ******* development ** ****** *** ****** **** ** ********* ** ************ programmers *** security ******** *** ******** *** ********** impact on *** ******** ** *** ***** ****** ** *** ************ In **** of *** **** ** *** ******** *** ******** ** ******** **** ****** issues ** *** ******* It is ********* to ****** **** *** ******** *** ****** scanned before being executed ** *** ************** *********** developed an ********** resource planning ******** **** focused ** ********** ********** ****** the ****** ***** ************ ********** in activities such ** data ********** and **** **** **** this it ** ******** to ********** ****** ********** across the ************** ****** ***** without ********* *** *** ************ to **** ** the organizationOperations carried *** ** ****** *** ********* **** ********* ******* *** by *** Software was ********** ****** communication ******* *** ********* ***** within *** organization and conducting ******** ****** *** ******** With these ********* ** *** ******** to ****** **** *** ********* ****** the supply chain **** ************ ** time thus ************ ********** ********* et ** *********** the Software *** ********* ******* ** ************ smooth ********** ****** *** ************ ** ****** ** there *** * **** ** ********* ********* ** *** *** ******** was ** conduct ********** ****** *** ******** **** making it **** ** ***** be ************* *** the ******** ** use ********* *********** thus ********** *** ************* of the Nike's ERP system *** ******** provides ***** to ******** with ******** ****** ***** they are ** ***** various ***** of **** **** *** Software **** *** ****** ** *** ******** it ***** the ******** make *** ** checkboxes *** radio ***** ***** *** ***** were ** ******* **** they ****** ** be ******** ** the organization if ***** **** ******* ********** **** ******* *** ***** to **** suggestions as ******* ****** to **** *********** could *** make it to the *********** ****** ** *** ****** *** ************* **** has **** ****** to the ******** *** ******** ***** ** analyzing the **** thus allowing ** ** be **** ** ******** ******** *********** ******** the **** ** be *********** ** ******** ****** which ******* ******* for display ** *** ** filled ** ********* ***** *** employees *** ** ******** **** hard copy regarding the *********** of *** *************** of the **** ****** ********** **** *** information ** the ***** *** is **** *** *** **** ** **** ** ****** as ***** ** ** protection among the ********* **** **** makes the ******* **** ******* threats ***** ******* **** ***** ** ***** ** *********** that the **** ** ****** in *** ************ thus ********** ***** ******* **** ********* ***** ********** ** *** Nikes *** *********** the ******** to ** used ** the organization *** the ************ ******* had ** ** ******** ***** ** ** **** ***** ******* ******* **** ***** affect ***** parts ** the data supply **** ***** ** a liability ** *** organization ** **** ************ members ***** **** time interacting with *** Software **** giving ** ******** ** process ** ** recommendable **** *** ******** ***** be implemented using multiple ********** ***** it ***** *********** ******** users **** ********* ***** ** *** *** program ************* ******* **************** ***** ** *** ******* ****** *** researchWhen *** ******** is ********* it has ** **** several demands **** ** ********* *** ********** between ********* to ****** *** messages *** timely delivered ** the ******* If *** ******** are not delivered ** time ** ** ****** ** **** to **************** which ***** ***** *** ******* ** **** Developers ** *** ERP ****** **** ******** ** develop * ******* ********** ******** ***** where *** ******* ***** ** **** ** ****** ******** users ****************** ** the ***** *** ********* program ** ******** ** ***** ** communication ****** *** supply chain *** ********* communication ***** *** ****** ***** ******* ** the ************ **** ** **** ***** *** ******** of each ********** **** ******** **** to know *** decisions ** ********* ** ***** members of *** ************ ** not **** *** activities ****** *** *********** **** *** likely ** **** risky decisions **** leading ** *** project's ******* ** ** ************* ** the ******** ****** ****** notification ** *** ******* made in the ****** chain **** alerting ******* ** **** ** do ***** a decision *** **** madeDevelopment ** the ****** *** ********** ******** **** *** *** ******* ** ** ********** ** has ** ******* **** ******* ******** ********** of *** ******* ********* ** *** ******* *********** ** *** ******* *** ********** *** ******* ******** *** ******* ****** *** program ********** to *** *** functioning used **** developing *** ******* This ** essential as ** helps ** ************ *** success of the ******* ********** ** *** ******* ******** ********** appropriate ***** for *** ******* ** run *** ******* *********** ** ** ******** ** ******* * ******* **** effective code **** all ***** ***** thus ************ ******* ** the ******* *** company can ******* *** ******* ** ******* system failure ** ******** all *** ***** have been ********** ***** the ******** ******** ******** the ********************* of ***** *** ********* ************** ***** ** among *** ********* ****** ** ******** *********** ** ** ****** *** ******** ** ** ********* ** ********* ********* ** the ********* functionality ********** can ******* enhancement ** *** ******* ** ********** ******** to be added to enhance **** ********** One ** the **** reasons this system is carried *** ** ** facilitate * ****** user ********* **** ******** *** ******* ** *** *********** Nike wanted *** ******** ** ********** ********** across *** ****** chain **** **** able ** ******* this ******** *** **** were ****** to ******* *** function ** ****** ************* and ************ ** ********** ****** *** ****** ***** (Nica et ** *************** of *** ****** *** systemNike developed the ERP ******** focusing ** *** ********** ******* ****** *** ****** chain **** ** *** ********** ******** ********** business ******** communication *** ******** *** business's operations **** as business ********* were ****** **** *** person to ******* *** program is ******** ** **** ******** from *** user to ******* ** the evaluation *** ** ** *** ********* ** ** **** not ******** ***** developed ******** ** ***** ** recommendable ** *** ******* ********** ******* ** *** program's ********** thus ****** *** ******* ********* *** both its ***** *** *** ********** ** the ********************* ** ** ********* ** ****** **** *** ********** *********** is *** **** ************ ******** ** they are not *** ************* *** ****** ** ** experienced ** *** ******* ********* ** ******** impacts that ***** **** ******** make * ******* ******* losses On *** ***** **** ** the Software ** well *********** ** ** ******** to make ** ********* leading to *** *********** ** *** ******** ** ** a business to ** ********** **** ** ******** *** ******* ** the Software is **** ******** and *********** it ******* **** ** ****** *** ******** **** ********** *** ********* market share ** *** ********************** *** ******** ************** ***** * ******* ****** ****** it *********** *** its resources ** required If *** ********* *** *** **** *********** they *** ****** ** lead ** ******** ******* ****** *** business ******* ****** and lose *** reputation Before ****** ********* *** ** **** a ******** capital ** *** ******* *** *** first two ***** *** ** turned ********** for *** ******** that *** developed *** *** ********************* **** *** ******** ** ********* ** *** ** ******* *** the software *********** cycles ** evaluation ** ******* *** *** *** developers *** *** ********** ** **** *** the ******** ** likely to ****** *** business ** the ******** is accompanied ** ***** *** **** not have ******** ******* ** needs ** be ********** ****** ********** ********* *** ************ * ******* *** ******* ******** *** ****** ********** **** effective software ******************************** * & ***** * H (2014) *** ************** ** ** **** * ******* **** In *********** ******* *** Small *** ************ Enterprises *** ******** ******** ****** **************** * & **** * ***** February) ***** ********* ********* Amazon *** ******* ****** ***** ************* ********** ** ******** Computing ***** Communication *************** 501-505) ********* S ******* * Pendem * ******* * & ***** * V ***** ****** Cloud Computing ***** ******** Web *********** ******* ****** Web ******** In2021 *** ************* ********** on ******** ********* *** Communication Systems (ICACCS)(Vol 1 ** ******** ******** * * ***** H * ***** ***** * * * ****** Analyzing *** ****** success strategiesJournal ** ******* ********** and *** ************************ * ***** ***** K ****** ******** ************ and ******** Enablers ** the ********** ****** Chain *********** A **** ***** ** Nike's ********** Supply *********** * ****** ********** ******* and ********** enterprise ************ I ********* N ***** ******* ** ****** Using ** **** *** ********* ** the ******** ** Nike ********* performance ********************* ***** ******* ******************

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