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Draft your Purpose of the Study The Purpose of the Study illustrates what the study will do, which should reflect the statement of the problem. The purpose also discusses how you will conduct your st

Draft your Purpose of the Study

The Purpose of the Study illustrates what the study will do, which should reflect the statement of the problem. The purpose also discusses how you will conduct your study and the kinds of comparisons you will make. The most essential component to the purpose of the study is introducing the Research Questions and Hypotheses (if applicable) of your study.

As you draft your Purpose of the Study, consider the following:• Broadly, a component of the purpose of the study is to describe what the study will do and should include reference to the areas defined in the statement of the problem.• Generally, a component of the purpose of the study is to provide a discussion of how the various areas are interrelated as well as serve to generate research questions that arise as a result of examining the discrete areas of the literature on the problem.• Specifically, a component of the purpose of the study is to introduce your Research Questions and the theory that will serve as the lens for examining your problem. o What are Research Questions (RQ)?o How do the RQs address the focus of your research problem?o What will the study do?o How will you conduct your study? Will you make comparisons? Will you do something else?o What theory and/or model will you use to explain why things happen?

The purpose of a research question is to learn something about a phenomenon, problem, or entity in a refined way. Considering you are likely to research a domain or area that has been researched before, there are multiple points thorough which you canexamine this problem. 

Self-Study Introduction components

It is now time to develop your Self-Study Project Research Question and Introduction. Considering your ten-week timeline, you need to begin developing the components within your research project.  In no more than three to four paragraphs, describe the problem/situation/scenario you are observing followed by a question you would like to investigate.

The introduction is the purpose of the study. Make sure to present a rationale for why this research is needed. The introduction should also allow your readers to understand what influenced you and why you selected your topic. You will need to provide a research question that will be the "thread" that runs throughout your research project. Everything flows back to the research question.

Your Introduction must include the following:  Research Question, Statement of Problem, Significance, Purpose of Study, Definition of Terms, Assumptions, Limitations, and Summary (basic restating of intro components). See the Sample Introduction provided in the Canvas Module for Week 4. 

Refer to the Final Project Rubric Introduction Component also included in the Canvas Module for Week 4.

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