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Due TODay

Resource: Ch. 6 of Essentials of Health Information Systems and Technology.

Consider the following scenario:

During the third week of your internship, the CIO emails your team several examples of other IT project implementations. Later that day, she says, "Review the examples I sent you about the implementation process. I attached a list of questions for you to answer about how the implementation process works and why IT projects sometimes fail. I'm most interested in your analysis of how organizations like ours can minimize the occurrences and effects of IT failures."

Read the Case Study--Memorial Health System CPOE Implementation.

Write a 200 -word paper in which you answer the following questions:

Attached it the indicators continue to the following question 

  • For each indicator you described, what might you have done differently to eliminate or minimize its effect?

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

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