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During your working career, have you had a supervisor who was amazing (or not so amazing) at listening to concerns and following up with 'good' questions when needed? Let us know if you are an Intro

During your working career, have you had a supervisor who was amazing (or not so amazing) at listening to concerns and following up with 'good' questions when needed?  

Let us know if you are an Introvert or an Extrovert, then describe your preferred 'Communication Style' as described in the article. 

Have you been a part of a team that requires the use of a 'B.L.U.F.' statement (normally email) before any real details are provided? -- Do you feel that this is an effective way to communicate or do you find this method more of a 'cold shoulder way of communicating'?

Do you believe in an appropriate level of 'Encouraging Failure'? -- Do you feel that this 'Encouraging Failure' is a waste of valuable time and resources? -- Have you had any positive or negative experiences with this type of methodology in your life?

What are your thoughts when it comes to 'Mandatory Fun-Time'? -- Is it a valuable activity that leads to possible increases in employee engagement and team collaboration; or is it a waste of your working/personal time? -- Have you had any positive or negative experiences with this type of methodology in your life?

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