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Each student is required to write a paper on the skills and knowledge that he/she has learned in this class during the entire semester related to strategic management topics, strategy formulation, str
Each student is required to write a paper on the skills and knowledge that he/she has learned in this class during the entire semester related to strategic management topics, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, strategy analysis, decision-making, internal and external assessments, corporate-level strategy, and planning management. In your report, you can elaborate on how you can use strategic management knowledge in your day-to-day experiences as well as in business scenarios. The main purpose of this assignment is to test whether you know how, why, and when you can use the reading materials of this class in your future. You can go through the chapters covered in the course and ponder on the topics to analyze the practical contributions of this class to your personal life and professional career. This individual assignment opens a window of opportunity for you to think about how much you know about the role of strategic management in decision-making and running a business. You can also evaluate yourself on what you are good at and what management skills you are lacking, and how you can excel in the strategic management field to become a successful manager.
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***************************** ********** ****** ************************* ****************************** ********** ****** ************* ******* ******* ** **** ********* management class ** ** provide students with *** skills *** ********* ********* to **** ***** decisions in ******** scenarios ******* ****** ******* ** strategic ********** **** ******* throughout *** ****** such ** strategy *********** strategy ************** ******** ******** *************** internal *** external *********** *************** strategy and ******** ********** ***** ****** *** essential *** ****** looking ** ****** * ****** ** strategic ********** ** *** ***** *** **** ** *** these ****** ** ***** day-to-day ***** ** * strategic ********** ******* * **** learned a ***** deal ***** how businesses ********* ********* *** ******* ***** ********** * **** **** gained ******** **** how ********* aspects of *** business environment *** ****** strategy *********** and ********* ** ******** * **** ********* ****** ** *************** both at *** individual *** organizational ****** In ** ******* ********* management ** one ** *** **** ********* ******* ** running * ********** ******** ** ****** *** ** **** for *** ****** ***** **** *********** *** ** *** possible ***** *** ************* that may ***** effectivelyOne of *** **** ********* ****** **** * learned **** **** ***** ** ******** ********* when making ********* Too ***** ****** get ****** ** ** *** ********** ******** ** * decision ******* *********** *** long-term ************ **** *** be disastrous ** ******** ** short-sighted ********* *** **** ** ****** ************* ** **** failure down *** **** ******* ***** ******** ***** ** taking *** **** ** ***** ***** *** * ******** will ****** the ******* ** *** future ******** can **** ****** choices that **** **** ** *********** successMoreover *** of the **** important ****** **** I **** ******* from this ***** is how to formulate ** effective ******** This ******* ****** **** * ******* analysis ** *** ******* situation ********* assessing the company's strengths *** ********** Once **** information has been ******** it ** ********* ** *** ***** *** ********** *** *** ******** Only ***** these ***** have been ***** *** * well-thought-out ******** ** ********* ******* & ******** ************ ********* ****** that * learned ** the ********** ** ********** thorough ******** *** ******** *********** ****** ****** *** decisions These *********** **** to ******** *** ********* ********* *** weaknesses and *** ********* ******* ** opportunities **** ***** ** ******* ******* ***** ******* this *********** ** ***** ** ***** to **** informed ********* about ***** to take *** ******* in the ****************** * **** learned a ******* ****** ** ********* management ** ******** ************** *** * ******* ** ******* *** ******* results *** ****** strategy **** ** executed appropriately **** can ** * ********* ** many ********* stakeholders *** ***** ******** ** the ******* **** **** ***** objectives *** ***** (Suklun 2020) ** ************ ********* * strategy ** is ********* to **** a ***** **** ** ****** *** ****** **** everyone ******** ** ***** ** ***** role ** ********* *** ******* ************** ********* ********* management **** ******** ongoing ********** and evaluation **** * strategy *** been *** in ***** it ** ********* to track its progress *** **** *********** as ********* ********** & ********** 2017) This ** *** only *** ** ensure **** *** ******* is ** track to ******* *** ****** ******* **** the knowledge *** skills * **** ******** ** **** class will benefit me ** my ****** ****** ** ********** I think that ************* *** ******* ** strategy *********** and ************** **** ** **** ******* ** *** ************ Additionally critically assessing * company's internal *** external *********** **** **** ** a *********** **** ** any *** ****** ******* ****** strong *************** skills **** allow ** ** ******* *** effectively solve ***** *** small ******** Overall * ***** **** ***** ** ** highly ********** *** * ** ******** *** *** ********* *** ****** that * ******** I ** ********* **** * **** ** **** ** *** what I learned ** **** ***** ** **** better ********* in ** ******** *** ************ **** Strategic ********** ** ********* *** *** ******** that ***** ** ** successful I ** ********* **** I *** have *** tools ********* ** **** any organization ***** *** full potential ReferencesGrabowski L ***** Mathiassen * ****** ********** During Strategic ****** ** ***** ******************** ********** ********** **************************** ************** T ***** Korzhova * (2019) ********* ********* *********** Context ** ********** age ****** in *************** *************** ***** ******************************************* * ****** ********* ********** and ********* Leadership ** ****** ******************* ******* Ve ****** ************** ******* *********************************