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early ed paper

Part I: Case Study #1Review all of the documents and videos provided for Case Study #1. Write a 1- to 2-page response that addresses the following:

-Choose one segment in the video of Angelica playing that illustrates her level of development in one or more of the domains of child development.

-Describe the segment, and explain how it reveals characteristics of her physical, cognitive, or socio-emotional development.

-What observation tools did you use in the process, and why?

Part II: Case Study #2

Review all of the documents provided for Case Study #2. Write a 1- to 2-page response that addresses the following:

-Analyze the work sample from Nathan.

-Describe at least one specific aspect of the work sample that reveals something about Nathan’s physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development.

-Provide a rationale for your response that uses specific examples from the work sample and connections to the professional knowledge base.

Part III: Analysis and Recommendations

In a 5- to 7-page response, analyze the information in each case study, and make a recommendation for developmentally appropriate practice for each child.

Your response should include:

-A brief analysis of each child’s physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development, based on the documents and videos provided and your knowledge of the frameworks of early childhood development

-A recommendation for at least two additional strategies that could be used to gather information from families about the development of the children in the case studies(Note: Explain why information from families is critical in assessing development.)

-A recommendation for developmentally appropriate learning experiences for each child, with an explanation of how these experiences reflect the principles of developmentally appropriate practice

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