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Effective listening is more important than talking Pearson defines communication as the process of sharing and understanding of information (Pearson and Nelson, 2000). The definition is not so far fr

Effective listening is more important than talking

Pearson defines communication as the process of sharing and understanding of information (Pearson and Nelson, 2000).  The definition is not so far from what the English dictionary states. In general, communication involves two parties who interchange their roles. The two parties in communication are the sender and the receiver. At one point, the sender becomes the receiver and vice versa. Human beings are social beings and who live, interact and socialize with one another. Communication is what makes us human. There is a need to share our thoughts, frustrations, ideas and many more. The sharing is only made possible through effective communication.

When I talk of effective, I mean a communication where both parties participate. It has been said by many scholars that silence sign of wisdom. A man who is listening to more and talks when necessary is considered to be wise. This can be ascertained from the ancient Greek stories and some scholarly resources. It is said that once in those ancient days, the Greeks wanted to find the wisest man. All the avenues and channels were employed and the judges in their wisdom decided that the man who did not answer any of their questions was the wisest. I do not know if it was a narrative but all I care is that it was agreed that those who listen are wise than those who speak. With this in mind, I believe that effective listening is more important than talking.

            In communication, one should be able to listen effectively before answering back. Imagine a situation where one wants you to just listen but not to speak. That denies a person an opportunity to share one’s mind. Therefore, talking is good but listening is better. If one has to talk, one must listen first to analyze the information given, process the information then come up with feedback. Sometimes human beings may argue over some issues. In case one is involved in an argument, silence becomes the best weapon because in such occurrences, emotions go high and talking may worsen the situation(Pearson and West, 2009). It is, therefore, better to use the best available weapon which is silence. Once that weapon is employed, it renders the agitated party confused. This will help one to deal with a situation that would have been made worse by the use of talking.

            Conclusively, effective listening is more beneficial than talking. If I was to rank the two then I believe that effective listening will surely score the highest attainable mark. The aforementioned reasons are just but a few of the benefits of effective listening. Although the two are pillars of ineffective communication, I tend to believe that effective listening plays a crucial role. Even in the models of communication where there are the sender and the receiver, some weight is given to the receiver who in our case is the listener. Even in communications where there is one party which we may term as monologues, human beings tend to use the aspect of listening to one’s self rather than talking to one’s self. If a human being engages in talking to himself or herself that person might be considered to be insane. On the other hand, if one just listens to the inner self, the decisions made after listening have proven to be good. It is therefore good for one to do more listening than talking. Even this essay does more listening than talking.

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********* ********* is **** ********* **** ************** ******* communication ** the ******* of sharing *** ************* ** *********** ******** *** Nelson ***** *** ********** ** not so far **** **** the English ********** ****** ** ******* ************* ******** *** ******* *** *********** ***** ***** The *** ******* in ************* *** *** sender *** the receiver ** *** ***** the ****** ******* *** ******** *** **** ***** Human ****** are social beings *** *** **** ******** and ********* **** one ******* Communication is what makes ** human There is * **** ** share *** ******** ************ ***** and **** **** *** sharing is **** **** ******** through ********* ***************** * talk of effective * **** * ************* ***** both ******* *********** It *** **** **** ** **** ******** **** silence **** of wisdom * *** who ** listening ** **** and ***** **** ********* ** ********** ** ** wise **** *** be *********** **** *** ******* ***** ******* and **** scholarly ********* ** is said that **** ** ***** ancient days *** ****** ****** ** find *** ****** *** All the ******* *** channels were ******** *** *** ****** in ***** ****** ******* **** *** man *** did *** ****** *** of ***** ********* *** the wisest * ** *** **** ** ** *** a ********* *** all * **** ** that ** *** ****** **** ***** *** ****** *** **** than ***** *** ***** **** **** ** **** * ******* **** effective ********* ** **** ********* than talking In ************* one ****** ** **** ** listen *********** ****** ********* back ******* a situation ***** *** ***** *** ** **** ****** *** *** ** speak **** ****** * person ** *********** ** ***** ******* **** Therefore ******* ** **** *** ********* ** ****** If one has to **** *** **** ****** ***** to ******* *** *********** ***** ******* *** *********** **** **** ** with ******** ********* human ****** *** ***** **** **** ****** ** **** one ** ******** in an argument ******* ******* the **** weapon because ** such occurrences emotions ** **** and ******* *** ****** *** situation(Pearson and **** 2009) It is ********* better ** *** *** best ********* ****** which ** silence **** **** ****** ** employed ** ******* the ******** ***** ******** **** **** **** *** ** **** **** * ********* **** ***** **** **** made worse ** *** *** ** ******* Conclusively effective ********* ** **** beneficial **** ******* ** * was ** **** *** *** **** I ******* that effective ********* **** ****** ***** *** ******* attainable mark *** ************** reasons are just *** * *** ** the ******** ** ********* ********* Although *** *** *** ******* of *********** ************* * **** ** ******* **** ********* ********* ***** * ******* **** Even ** the ****** of ************* where there are *** ****** and the ******** **** ****** is ***** ** *** receiver *** ** *** **** ** the listener **** ** ************** where ***** ** *** party which ** *** term as monologues human ****** tend ** *** the aspect ** ********* to ******* self ****** **** ******* to one’s **** ** a ***** ***** engages ** ******* ** ******* ** ******* that ****** ***** ** ********** ** ** insane On *** ***** hand ** one just ******* ** *** ***** **** *** ********* **** after ********* **** ****** to be **** ** ** therefore **** *** one to ** more listening **** ******* **** this essay **** **** listening than *******

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