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Empirical Study of Sorting Algorithms Complexity The goal of this project is to compare efficiency of three sorting algorithms by measuring the time...

Empirical Study of Sorting Algorithms Complexity 

public static void bubbleSort(int[] array)


   int lastPos;   // Position of last element to compare

   int index;    // Index of an element to compare

   int temp;    // Used to swap to elements

   // The outer loop positions lastPos at the last element

   // to compare during each pass through the array. Initially

   // lastPos is the index of the last element in the array.

   // During each iteration, it is decreased by one.

   for (lastPos = array.length - 1; lastPos >= 0; lastPos--)


     // The inner loop steps through the array, comparing

     // each element with its neighbor. All of the elements

     // from index 0 thrugh lastPos are involved in the

     // comparison. If two elements are out of order, they

     // are swapped.

     for (index = 0; index <= lastPos - 1; index++)


      // Compare an element with its neighbor.

      if (array[index] > array[index + 1])


        // Swap the two elements.

        temp = array[index];

        array[index] = array[index + 1];

        array[index + 1] = temp;







public class IntQuickSorter



   The quickSort method calls the doQuickSort method

   to sort an int array.

   @param array The array to sort.


  public static void quickSort(int array[])


   doQuickSort(array, 0, array.length - 1);



   The doQuickSort method uses the QuickSort algorithm

   to sort an int array.

   @param array The array to sort.

   @param start The starting subscript of the list to sort

   @param end The ending subscript of the list to sort


  private static void doQuickSort(int array[], int start, int end)


   int pivotPoint;

   if (start < end)


     // Get the pivot point.

     pivotPoint = partition(array, start, end);

     // Sort the first sub list.

     doQuickSort(array, start, pivotPoint - 1);

     // Sort the second sub list.

     doQuickSort(array, pivotPoint + 1, end);




   The partiton method selects a pivot value in an array

   and arranges the array into two sub lists. All the

   values less than the pivot will be stored in the left

   sub list and all the values greater than or equal to

   the pivot will be stored in the right sub list.

   @param array The array to partition.

   @param start The starting subscript of the area to partition.

   @param end The ending subscript of the area to partition.

   @return The subscript of the pivot value.


  private static int partition(int array[], int start, int end)


   int pivotValue;  // To hold the pivot value

   int endOfLeftList; // Last element in the left sub list.

   int mid;      // To hold the mid-point subscript

   // Find the subscript of the middle element.

   // This will be our pivot value.

   mid = (start + end) / 2;

   // Swap the middle element with the first element.

   // This moves the pivot value to the start of 

   // the list.

   swap(array, start, mid);

   // Save the pivot value for comparisons.

   pivotValue = array[start];

   // For now, the end of the left sub list is

   // the first element.

   endOfLeftList = start;

   // Scan the entire list and move any values that

   // are less than the pivot value to the left

   // sub list.

   for (int scan = start + 1; scan <= end; scan++)


     if (array[scan] < pivotValue)



      swap(array, endOfLeftList, scan);



   // Move the pivot value to end of the

   // left sub list.

   swap(array, start, endOfLeftList);

   // Return the subscript of the pivot value.

   return endOfLeftList;



   The swap method swaps the contents of two elements

   in an int array.

   @param The array containing the two elements.

   @param a The subscript of the first element.

   @param b The subscript of the second element.


  private static void swap(int[] array, int a, int b)


   int temp;

   temp = array[a];

   array[a] = array[b];

   array[b] = temp;




public class IntInsertionSorter



   The insertionSort method performs an insertion sort on

   an int array. The array is sorted in ascending order.

   @param array The array to sort.


  public static void insertionSort(int[] array)


   int unsortedValue; // The first unsorted value

   int scan;      // Used to scan the array

   // The outer loop steps the index variable through 

   // each subscript in the array, starting at 1. The portion of

   // the array containing element 0 by itself is already sorted.

   for (int index = 1; index < array.length; index++)


     // The first element outside the sorted portion is

     // array[index]. Store the value of this element

     // in unsortedValue.

     unsortedValue = array[index];

     // Start scan at the subscript of the first element

     // outside the sorted part.

     scan = index;

     // Move the first element in the still unsorted part

     // into its proper position within the sorted part.

     while (scan > 0 && array[scan-1] > unsortedValue)


      array[scan] = array[scan - 1];



     // Insert the unsorted value in its proper position

     // within the sorted subset.

     array[scan] = unsortedValue;





import java.util.Scanner;


 * This program times calls to the recursive Fibonacci method

 * for 6 consecutive calls and displays the results.


public class RecursiveFibonacciTimer


 public static void main(String[] args)


   // Get the starting argument

   System.out.println("Enter a positive integer:");

   Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

   int number = sc.nextInt();

   // Variables used to determine time for a function call

   long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

   long previousTime;

   long elapsedTime = 0;

   for (int k = 0; k <= 5; k++)


    // Record time before function call

    previousTime = currentTime;

    System.out.print("The Fibonacci term at position ");

    System.out.print((number + k) + " is " );

    // Compute and print fib term for the next argument

    System.out.println(fib(number + k));

    // Record time after function call

    currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    // Compute and print elapsed time in seconds

    elapsedTime = (currentTime - previousTime)/1000;

    System.out.println("Computed in " + elapsedTime + " seconds.");




  * Computes a term of the Fibonacci sequence

  * @param n

  * @return nth term of the sequence


  public static long fib(long n)


    if (n <=1)

      return 1;


      return fib(n-2) + fib(n-1);



Empirical Study of Sorting Algorithms ComplexityThe goal of this project is to compare efficiency of three sorting algorithms by measuringthe time it takes for them to sort exactly same array of integers.. Find and copy into your code implementations of three classic sorting algorithms:Quicksort, Bubble sort, and Selection sort. All 3 can be found in Chapter 17folder of the text book source code posted in Course Info and Resources moduleof the course..In main() write code that creates 3 identical arrays of size 1000000 filled withrandom numbers in the range [1 - 1000000]Use code from RecoursiveFibonacciTimer.java from Chapter 17 folder tomeasure time it took each of the sorting algorithms to sort the array. Each sortingmethod must have the same set of numbers to sort, so use one of the 3 arrays youcreated for each method.When printing out time, convert it into minutes and seconds format.In the beginning of your file with the solution, in comments, record the timingresults you got when running the sorting methods - for me to see.. Finally, find out how much time it takes Quicksort to sort 100000000 randomintegers on your computer. Record that result in the beginning of the source codefile too.Name your solution EmpiricalStudy .java
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